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@mattly @halva

so, I'm a release engineer, not a developer. I have my own opinions along these lines.

but on this particular topic, I'll note that it's the user interface limitations that are topical in the OP and you want the frontend devs becuase PMs & CEOs are not going to be empathetic enough to wrap their heads around of a 10yr old's needs in the UI.

and if you interpret the OP to mean the NOTEBOOK is 10yrs old, the PMs & CEOs will say it's great to drive purchase of replacement device.

Matthew Lyon

@draNgNon @halva As someone who’s worked on front end stuff and is sympathetic to the underlying sentiment but the argument is directed at the wrong people

Shit is slow because there’s not budget to make it not slow


@mattly @halva

now we get into the release engineer part of the opinion. everyone seems to think that releasing apps & adding junk to them & unnecessary features & wrapping an entire damned browser in every last one is the bomb diggity but y'know what there is nobody on this planet wants their phone updating every other day with a binary that eats the entirety of the low bandwidth connection they share with their family

it's the same idea: devs have amazing fast connections & hardware


@mattly @halva

I do too
but not everyone else does

and yeah, who is going to maintain a lab with old, slow stuff?

but that doesn't mean it's not a problem

Matthew Lyon

@draNgNon @halva Some of the most egregious sites I have to use regularly have server response times in the multi-second range. Is it the server? Db? Proxy? Who the eff knows? The problem is that the people making the sausage aren’t eating it

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