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Brage Fuglseth

Great news: Thanks to recent @flathub changes, adaptive Flathub apps are now actually shown as that in GNOME Software! Previously they were all marked as desktop-only. You'll start seeing this more and more as apps update 😁️

#Flathub #Flatpak #GNOME #LinuxMobile

Brage Fuglseth

@gloopsies Developers provide supported window sizes and input methods in the app metadata. Support for different devices is calculated based on this. For example, an app that claims to be resizable down to a width of 360px and has touch support will be marked as working on mobile.

@bragefuglseth @gloopsies what if it requires landscape orientation? Like games for example. I can easily imagine a game that can work on desktop, tablets and phones from the same build.
Gregor Niehl

@bragefuglseth @flathub Finally! It was really unsatisfying seeing my app marked as desktop-only when it was fully adaptive 😆

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