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Hannu Ikonen, MD

@EU_Commission Thing is, the guy could've been dead for a day, a week, a month, a year, maybe two years based on when he went back into custody.

That's some fucked up shit.

Edit: Apparently I am totes wrong.

Hannu Ikonen, MD

@CassandraZeroCovid @EU_Commission

Did he? Well fuck, I stand corrected then. I hadn't seen sight of him for like 2 years.


@hannu_ikonen @EU_Commission

I saw this news a few hours ago and saw something to that effect but haven't the spoons to dig it out of timeline. I could be wrong. (I, too, thought he hadn't been sighted for some time.)

PSiReN-X :verified_paw:​


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That's , right... |

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