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yakkoj 🦊

@halva also, their internet access needs to be capped speed-wise and maybe even data-wise for that same time period.


@yakkoj yes

3G tethering, 5 gigabyte cap

anything more you pay out of your pocket


@halva @yakkoj Just imagine downloading all JS packages on that 🥹
Paying for used MBs? Devs would quickly reduce JS deps 🔥

Ian K. Rogers ikr?╭ರ_ಠ

@systemz @halva @yakkoj Can you imagine if all the Frontend devs stopped getting to use JS and actually had to learn CSS instead?

yakkoj 🦊

@ianrogers @systemz @halva I'd imagine we'd have "CSS framework" baggage to replace all the junky js Framework baggage ;o)

Ian K. Rogers ikr?╭ರ_ಠ

@yakkoj @systemz @halva Even bootstrap is under 2MB including the CSS, fonts and JS ;)


@yakkoj @halva unless it's been removed, Chrome had devtools options where you could tell it to mimic various device screen sizes and internet speeds, see if you can get a good "time to first render" with 3G or 56k modem speeds :)

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