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Todd Alström

@devnull It not, it should. Puts a bit more work on the mod team, but stops nearly all spam. Using a similar option with XenForo.

Julian Lam

@toddalstrom all of this has been figured out by the forums 10+ years ago. The spam is just getting more sophisticated and larger in volume, but the old solutions still work because they introduce a second DIFFERENT element to the spam equation a human.

You can beat tech with more tech (e.g. CAPTCHA vs CAPTCHA) but you need to leverage social engineering against a human. Not infallible by any means, but a huge sharp turn away from what beats tech.

Daniël Klabbers

@devnull @toddalstrom I can vouch for this. We have been finding brilliant ways to prevent spam in , including trying AI to filter. But early flagging is definitely one of the most effective ways to tackle spam.

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