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6 posts total
Julian Lam

It seems this happens occasionally on where malicious users decide to take advantage of instances with poor moderation to spam widely.

There are many solutions, but let me offer a simple change that stops spam dead in its tracks:

has a post queue built in. If you have 0 reputation, you need your post to be manually approved. You can adjust this as needed, but even the default (allow regular posting after 1 upvote) is sufficient. Stops 👏spam 👏 cold 👏.

Julian Lam

We also have integrated project honeypot, akismet, and captcha, but those are passive technologies that can be worked around given time.

But simple is best — raise the bar of contribution just a tiny bit, and the effect on spam is huge. To get around a post queue, spammers have to make a quality contribution, and that's hard when spam accounts are automated by script.

Does support any of this?

Julian Lam

Finally figured out why posts weren't queryable via Mastodon, turns out it does Content-Type checking, and I was inadvertently breaking spec by sending in application/json when I should've been sending in "application/activity+json" or 'application/ld+json; profile=""'

Latter doesn't play nicely with express, so using the former and all's well!

Full credit to @bouncepaw who gave me key to figuring it out! 🏅


Finally figured out why posts weren't queryable via Mastodon, turns out it does Content-Type checking, and I was inadvertently breaking spec by sending in application/json when I should've been sending in "application/activity+json" or 'application/ld+json; profile=""'

Julian Lam

Does there exist a brief write-up of how content is federated out? Do different implementors federate content differently? (@stesnac suggests so!)

Here's my head-canon at present... when a note is created, the note is sent to all followers. If users are mentioned, the note is also sent to those users' inboxes.

If a note is addressed to the public collection, do it just get blasted to all known instances' inboxes?

Julian Lam

Yesterday: " will be an unmitigated disaster for the , defederation is paramount"

Today: "hi guys please like and subscribe to my threads account here 👉 .."

Julian Lam

@protecttruth the sad truth is the other auto manufacturers pursuing FSD are honest (at least when it comes to human life). and aren't.

These checks and balances are being tested probably for the first time in a long while.

Julian Lam

@c_9 wonderful idea, better than my brainwave today of replacing stop signs with speed bumps that scrape the bottom of your car if you go faster than 5 km/h

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