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Julian Lam

The silver lining to this: if you have this enabled by default and a server exists with poor or absent moderation... well, no spam gets approved 👋

Multiverse Mike


I LOVE that you are doing your own thing, and love that you are not only questioning what has been "acceptable" up until now, but also creating an implementation to do exactly that. Keep up the good work! 🙌

Julian Lam

@multiverseofbadness thank you!

The fact of the matter is, a lot of popular software is rather new, and that's super exciting, but also means some of the software is rather green and not battle tested.

went through its own growing pains, so I feel like there are some lessons that can be learned from outside orgs looking to join devel.

I'm not saying we're perfect, but if we can help soften some of those growing pains for all of then 👍

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