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Thomas 🔭✨

@adminkirsty @blogdiva @jwz that looks pretty sweet, I really need profile sync tho (looks like they’re working on it)

yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

@thomasfuchs @adminkirsty @jwz i've tried both but settled on Librewolf. i'd love to see the fork take on LW's changes. the project won't be able to *be* the cooperative fork because the developers do not want to it to be a legal entity nor take money for it. so it would have to be a fork of a fork.

A Rose By Any Other

@adminkirsty @thomasfuchs @blogdiva @jwz It looks like they're serving ads? Using Firefox, I see no ads on (for example), but with Waterfox I see ads. I am running pihole on my LAN. Their FAQ makes no mention of ads, just that they make money from "search partnerships" (

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