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Edit: Attention! The venue is at max capacity, so if you did not sign up to the meetup link they can not let you in. The meetup link currently has a queue of 30 people who want to attend..


Low-Tech Magazine explores techniques of the past and combines them with the knowledge of today to propose more sustainable futures.

Based on this idea, Kris de Decker and Roel Roscam Abbing organize an evening exploring concepts from the Internet's history that can help create a more sustainable future internet. With talks by Kris De Decker, @rra and @timrodenbroeker

How about systems where independent publishers could own their platform? Or what about media where you actually get to see posts from those you follow?

The evening will start with short talks and then make space for a larger discussion and chats over a drink. Are you curious what fresh ideas from the past can tell us about the future and who are the people working on them? Join us at #Akasha Hub in #Barcelona on the 21st of February.

More info:

Poster design by @johannagratzer

Back To The Future of the Internet
Talks + Discussion + Hangout
Lowtech Magazine
Kris de Decker
Roel Roscam Abbing
Tim Rodenbröker

Wednesday 21st of Feb Akasha hub
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