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Remember the new @mozilla CEO whose first action was to post a link to her Linkedin profile?

Some said I was harsh that we should let her the benefit of doubt.

So here are the first true actions: firing 60 people working on useless products to focus the company on its true mission.

The useless products?
- Relay (privacy, protection against spam)
- VPN (privacy)
- (Mastodon)
- Monitor (privacy)

True mission to focus:
- AI (???)

You can’t made that up

May Likes Toronto

@ploum @mozilla plus a "focus on Firefox" without talking about what that focus might mean.

Will they ever fix the container UX?

Brendan Jones

@MayInToronto @ploum @mozilla 100% this. Containers are a brilliant concept but they brought them in and then didn’t do too much more. In the meantime Chrome brought out profiles which are way simpler to use. Mozilla have the opportunity to create a killer feature here but instead they’re sitting on it.

They’re still working on Containers but it’s tinkering, not the major UX changes needed to make Containers easy to use:


@ploum @mozilla "With these changes, it now looks like Mozilla may refocus on Firefox once more, something that will surely make many hardcore Firefox fans quite happy."

Or, they're just going to shift all their focus and resources to whatever the hell "trustworthy AI" is, and use Firefox as platform to distribute it

Isaí Moreno

@ploum @mozilla I hope they don't close the Mastodon instance. I have just joined. At least they're downsizing the Hubs thing. But we must accept that the browser will have an AI component slapped in unfortunately. I just hope it is easy to remove that


@urien2 @ploum @mozilla why must we accept that? I expect it, but I don’t know about being ready to accept it.


@urien2 @ploum @mozilla
We must accept? I highly doubt it.
They're the ones who have to accept - after all, they're the ones who need users, we have alternatives.


@ploum @mozilla
Encore quelqu'un qui va gérer d'une main de merde.

Aedius Filmania ⚙️🎮🖊️

@ploum @mozilla

the new CEO is paid by google to kill firefox, thats the only way.

Aedius Filmania ⚙️🎮🖊️

@DeltaWye @ploum @mozilla

firefox is the only way between google and google ads on every website.

Delta Wye

@Aedius @ploum @mozilla
“I find 'em **** 'em and flee you know” - Easy-E, NWA

Right now they are currently in the middle step.


@Aedius : no. She has a MBA. That’s enough, no need for conspiracy.


@Aedius @ploum
She is existing in another plane of reality than the users. For her the economical issues are way more critical than anything else and Firefox, as we know it, is not salvageable in the current market.
That is the brutal calculation - Mozilla and Firefox simply cannot exist in their current state. Either they will have to sell out totally and become profitable in which case they will be abandoned, or they will risk all and dissolve the company.


@Aedius @ploum
So the one big hope is to bring in VC money based on random buzz-words of the day. BUT since Firefox exist squarely in a market space of "not being marketable" that is very very hard.
The tactic thus far seems to have been to hire, through big ass pay checks, connected CEO's. The people who can get some of that VC cash. But its not working, because the more that CEO says, the less the core users trust the product that is in a death spiral allready


@Aedius @ploum
Firefox is like the 2024 world wide elections or climate change - we all know how it will end, but its nice to enjoy this little eye of the storm before what we have is ripped apart.

Gabriele Svelto

@ohyran @Aedius @ploum Mozilla can't get VC money. It doesn't work like regular tech companies as it's entirely owned by a non-profit, and all the extra profits go into a reserve fund which is huge ATM. Also Mozilla Corporation's CEOs haven't been particularly well connected, the previous one was among Mozilla founders.


@gabrielesvelto @Aedius @ploum
Sry investment money. Last was written two in the morning.
Their only shown source of profit is Google. As for Mozilla CEO's not even bringing contacts in to play that is shocking news and really doesn't help Mozillas situation.

But that massive reserve fund is interesting - I can't find anything about it. Do you have more info?

Gabriele Svelto

@ohyran @Aedius @ploum you can find it in Mozilla's public audited financial statement under Assets (fifth page):

As you can see from the document those assets increased by ~160 million $ in a year. That's where all the profit goes since it can't be paid off to investors (as Mozilla Corporation has none due to its peculiar nature).


@ploum @Aedius a MacBook Air? Damn so she’s not even a Linux user 😃😅

Chrisshy Keygen

@Aedius @ploum @mozilla nah, google needs Firefox as antitrust insurance real real bad.


@rgegriff @Aedius @ploum @mozilla But what kind of Firefox?

A full-featured Firefox that drains users from Chrome? Or a shitty Firefox that no one wants except those few stuck on a platform Google doesn't want to waste time on?

Brendan Jones

@grumble209 @rgegriff @Aedius @ploum @mozilla It’s not draining users from Chrome, that’s the whole problem. Google doesn’t need the Mozilla CEO to kill Firefox, the market is doing it for them.

Sören Hentzschel

@frumble Die Darstellung von ploum ist falsch. Weder wurden diese Produkte als nutzlos bezeichnet oder eingestellt noch geht es ausschließlich um KI, sondern vor allem um mehr Fokus auf Firefox (was KI-Integrationen einschließt), es geht darüber hinaus aber auch ausdrücklich um mehr Fokus auf Firefox Mobile. Siehe

Natürlich kann man, wie es bei strategischen Kurswechseln immer ist, die neue Ausrichtung gut oder schlecht finden. Das muss jeder selbst beurteilen.

@frumble Die Darstellung von ploum ist falsch. Weder wurden diese Produkte als nutzlos bezeichnet oder eingestellt noch geht es ausschließlich um KI, sondern vor allem um mehr Fokus auf Firefox (was KI-Integrationen einschließt), es geht darüber hinaus aber auch ausdrücklich um mehr Fokus auf Firefox Mobile. Siehe

Sören Hentzschel

@frumble Und ja, wenn Mitarbeiter gehen müssen, ist das immer blöd für die Betroffenen, das ist überhaupt keine Frage. Leider erlebt das gerade ja praktisch die gesamte Branche.

Maxi 10x 💉

@s_hentzschel Typischer Fall gerade auch wieder von Kommunikationsversagen zu ihrer Zielgruppe: Hier sprießen gerade die Threads mit dutzenden Kommentaren dazu, dass der "Fokus auf AI" schrecklich sei. Es kommt niemandem in den Sinn, dass es sich dabei um lokale KI handeln könnte. Aber #Mozilla hat das auch selbst verschuldet, weil sie nicht in die Community hinein fühlen.


@frumble nur weil KI lokal ist, macht das die nicht gut. Firefox hat so viele andere Probleme, auf die die sich fokussieren sollten. Unnötige Ki-Features bringen mir nix

The Mad Hatter

@joshix @frumble die Übersetzungfunktion ist nicht unnötig.


@lgehr @frumble hab die bis jetzt noch nicht genutzt.
Aber ja das ist ein Feature, was gut und nützlich sein kann (TTS auch)

Beide müssen aber nicht unbedingt in einem Browser sein. Beide sind auch außerhalb nützlich

Sören Hentzschel

@frumble Ich weiß nicht, was „in die Community hinein fühlen“ bedeuten soll, aber ich würde wetten, dass ein stärkerer Fokus auf Firefox - was im Übrigen bereits beim CEO-Wechsel angekündigt wurde - im Interesse nicht weniger aus der „Community“ sein dürfte. Und was die aktuelle Meldung betrifft: Die Berichterstattung basiert auf dem Leak eines internen Memos, es gab zu dem Zeitpunkt noch keine offizielle Kommunikation nach außen.


@ploum @mozilla I'm not inherently anti-ai, local ai like their local translation that doesn't phone home to google is good. but as someone that pays for their VPN and appreciates the hell out of relay, this is such a discouraging move and shows yet again how out of touch mozilla is. Disappointing.

Alain Dellepiane :eit: :pm:

@ploum @mozilla

What's really worrying: it jeopardizes a truly independent Linux future.
Browsers are increasingly the heart of any operating system. If Firefox falters, we will all be at the mercy of Google, no matter what we use...

DeepBlue V7.X Wtf, why do they need to always fire people for the stuff I use!

Nicolas Dufour

@ploum @mozilla I guess it's time to look at ungoogled-chromium ... sigh ...


@ploum @mozilla

I despise the term "right-sizing", it's so cold and heartless


@rubenwardy @ploum @mozilla OTOH, it fits. Left-sizing would be making efforts to keep everyone on payroll through good and troubled times.

Escaping Galt's Gorean Gulch

@ploum @mozilla Mozilla's leadership can't help it. They are like Democratic Party strategists thinking that if they keep supporting Republican talking points, people will vote for them.

Siren 🌑

@ploum @mozilla guess I gotta hope someone makes a replacement for Firefox...

Escaping Galt's Gorean Gulch

@ploum to be honest, I don't think Mozilla was in a position to run a mastodon instance, especially since trying to get codes of conduct in place for contributors was a huge lift (and nearly everyone who helped get that into place is now gone.)

And they were talking about "AI" moderation which would mean the only people on there would be indistinguishable from a suburban home owner.


@ploum @mozilla Just by the end of 2023 as people including me were promoting to use Firefox as an alternative to Chromium browsers, we get shit like this. Can't we just have nice things like a safe, private and stable browser that is not enshitefied by clueless upper management and shareholders? 😩


@ploum @mozilla It's time to admit that Firefox is dead or will be soon. It's also important to remember than Google basically bankrolls Mozilla, likely just to push back against monopoly accusations.

Paul Wermer

@ploum @mozilla yes, that list does suggest the CEO is trend, not quality/needs focused.

Olle Gladsø

@ploum @mozilla So, it looks like I may have to abandon Firefox after all these years. I can't imagine them screwing the pooch the way they did. What browser should I choose instead. I am a dyed in the wool GNU/Linux user.


@Gladso @ploum @mozilla Long time Linux user here. I use Firefox (have to change the script to make it better, however), Librewolf (which is a more privacy-hardened version of Firefox) and (in a pinch) Brave (you have to turn off its nonsense after downloading it, but it's a better version of, cough, cough, Chrome).

Sir David Nielsen

@ploum @mozilla @lisamelton and they’ve only just announced Monitor, this insane.


@ploum @mozilla This is exactly why Mozilla needs to give up Firefox and leave it to a community of maintainers who actually care about the browser, instead of sucking at the teat of Google to subsidize a bunch of ventures (AI) that have nothing to do with or why anyone would even care about you. Terrible.


@ploum @mozilla

Given that only about 3% users are on FF, seems like focusing on something else is a smart move

not sure AI is the right way to go tho

I mean face reality: FireFox is a dead parrot


@ploum @mozilla man i gotta jump offa firefox? i already jumped offa to join chrome and then google stopped being good.

AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@ploum Tell me your new CEO doesn't understand market strategy without telling me that your CEO doesn't understand market strategy.


@ploum @mozilla it's past time to reclaim #mozilla back to #foss, really foss, not linkedin oral breather managed corporation.
I've used mozilla since its inception. Never were so many heads up their respective assholes at a body making decisions regarding mozilla as these past few days.

🌼 Dagnabbit, Pascaline! 🌼

@ploum @mozilla
Firefox down the drain 😭 I have been using it since it first came out. This is so bad.


@ploum @mozilla Refocus on Firefox? Yes please. But I hope that's not a monkey paw and they are focusing all their efforts on shoving AI into it.

I did just sign up for Monitor, so I am sad they are immediately pulling back from that. Hopefully they maintain the service at the very least.


@ploum I don't know her but I know how companies work and I have no doubt the roadmap was already defined by the board and the layoffs planned way before this new CEO was nominated. Yet, we don't know how many potential CEOs refused to take the job because of this, before this one accepted.


@ploum @mozilla I always strip Pocket and the other crapware out of Firefox. I never let anyone's browser connect to the Internet without stripping out monetized shit, and I don't run Chrome at all.
No Pocket, no sponsored links, none of that. All telemetry turned off, and all the Google shit removed. All taken out before first connection to a network, plus the UI rolled back to mate MATE with a real menu bar etc. First site to visit with Firefox is always about:config

There are multiple firefox forks now because of shit like this, unfortunately the arms race between browsers and exploits make any delays in security updates dangerous. Best defense is probably to limit what sites are permitted to run JS and never, ever allow ads as they are a known vector of malware.

We need a fully community maintained desktop browser with up to date security, a minimal feature set to reduce attack surface, antitracking and antifingerprinting code like Firefox uses, first party isolation of cookies, and the functionality of NoScript or Ublock Origin by default. There should be no parties involved whose reason for being there is financial.

@ploum @mozilla I always strip Pocket and the other crapware out of Firefox. I never let anyone's browser connect to the Internet without stripping out monetized shit, and I don't run Chrome at all.
No Pocket, no sponsored links, none of that. All telemetry turned off, and all the Google shit removed. All taken out before first connection to a network, plus the UI rolled back to mate MATE with a real menu bar etc. First site to visit with Firefox is always about:config

Lawler Hix :verified:

@ploum @mozilla Give it a few years for when the (current) AI craze dries up.

We'll see what the grift crowd moves to next.


@ploum I'm even more annoyed that I got rejected from applying for the opening a while ago now.

Not only have I been online longer than Netscape has existed, and been on the FediVerse longer than, but getting fired with their presumably obscene pay and presumably getting a severance package would have been nice!

If I wasn't going to be effectual at accomplishing anything anyway, might as well be nice to get paid for it.


Maybe one day I will learn how to grift like the CxOs.


@ploum I'm even more annoyed that I got rejected from applying for the opening a while ago now.

Not only have I been online longer than Netscape has existed, and been on the FediVerse longer than, but getting fired with their presumably obscene pay and presumably getting a severance package would have been nice!


@ploum @trendytoots @mozilla

I don't see where Monitor is on the chopping block, the only mention in the story is a correction about it being launched.


@ploum @mozilla
The sooner folks realize, most CEO's are morons, the better for us all.



@mozilla @ramin_hal9001

I'm still a fan of forks of Firefox such as Abrowser but i've never been willing to directly support Mozilla.

Gerbrand van Dieyen

@ploum @mozilla also shutting down hubs, a mozilla product that sounds Intriguing but I never heard of until now.

butterflyoffire ⏚ꝃ⌁⁂

@ploum@mozilla forgot to shutdown Pontoon and replace the translation COMMUNITY with EyeAie !


I'm still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on some of this.

Relay is redundant, because SimpleLogin, AnonAddy, and are all privacy respecting products already taking up that same space.

Mozilla VPN launched as nothing more than Mullvad with a rebrand. That speaks to its redundancy. Proton, Mullvad, Windscribe, etc., already exist in that space. is Mastodon but corporate.

Monitor started as a rebranded HIBP. HIBP is already fine.

I'm still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on some of this.

Relay is redundant, because SimpleLogin, AnonAddy, and are all privacy respecting products already taking up that same space.

Mozilla VPN launched as nothing more than Mullvad with a rebrand. That speaks to its redundancy. Proton, Mullvad, Windscribe, etc., already exist in that space.

Brendan Jones

@TheCoolest @ploum Relay isn’t redundant, because it’s a great product that integrates well with Firefox. If it’s not making money then I grudgingly accept if they have to kill it, but just having competitors isn’t a reason to do so.


@ploum @mozilla
Haven't used default Firefox in a long time. @librewolf will hopefully keep the necessary features without any #AI, although it's not very easy to do so..
A separate build at least would be lovely :)



@ploum @mozilla A lot of that sounds smart. Like everyone is offering a VPN these days, and why are they ploughing money into a mastodon instance as opposed to just having one?


@ploum @mozilla who hires CEO's for Mozilla? Google? 🤔


@ploum @mozilla

collision de fil mastodon : la pub pour Monitor (Plus)

un post de "Mozilla francophone" présentant leur produit "Monitor Plus" avec un liens vers l'article sur MacGeneration.
Dragon-sided D

@ploum @mozilla How about we do the boring but really hard engineering job of making a fast secure privacy-respecting open-source standards-based browser?

I give money every month because I want *that*

Thank you

Matija Šuklje

@ploum @mozilla ,

Out of curiosity I asked the interwebs whether rightsizing ever led to more employment.

The answer was ”no”. (it’s just an euphemism of an euphemism for layoffs)

query in Kagi search:
“list all examples where rightsizing led to more employment”

quick answer:
“After reviewing the search results, there do not appear to be any examples where rightsizing directly led to more employment. Rightsizing generally refers to reducing the size of a workforce, often through layoffs or attrition, in order to better align the number of employees with business needs.[1] While rightsizing may help a company remain viable in difficult economic times, it does not seem to create new jobs based on the information provided. The search results frame rightsizing as a means of cost-cutting or reducing excess staff, not a strategy that increases hiring.”
Dmitry Borodaenko

@ploum And what a profile: 2.5 years at McKinsey, 12 years at PayPal/eBay.

Francesco P Lovergine

@ploum @mozilla

Maybe it's me, but why should a non-profit organization be interested in making money and need an ordinary CEO with an MBA to focus on that? I'm a f*cking passed idealist, probably.


Brendan Jones

@ploum @Herman @mozilla This makes me sad. I’m a happy, paying customer of Relay and VPN, they’re both great.

I hope if they’re laying off workers then the CEO also took a pay cut?

Does anybody have recommendations for Relay replacements, in case they actually shut it down?

I was hoping Proton might have such an email-forwarding service because I’ve been meaning to move my email over there anyway (time to de-Google!), but it doesn’t look like it. Pity!

Brendan Jones

@ploum @Herman @mozilla And they’re focusing on Pocket?! Argh! The one product of theirs I’ve never found useful and regard as bloatware.

It better be making them loads of money, in which case I understand keeping it, even if I don’t like them pushing it in Firefox.

And AI? I *really* hope that means more useful, on-device services like their translation (which is great), and not some LLM chatbot integration or something equally stupid and costly.

Toran Shaw

@ploum @mozilla I'm hoping that we'll have the first viable @servo based browser soon, to break the duopoly of the current system!


@ploum @mozilla I've been using Firefox since the early days, ~20 years ago. This is really disheartening news.

Looks like I may be jumping ship soon if they proceed with this strategy.



Benoît B.

@ploum @mozilla

F*ck, f*ck, f*ck…

Not what we were expecting…


@ploum @mozilla ...
so dropping the 'useless' products doesn't actually mean focusing on firefox...
come oooon

Microsoft ate my computer

@ploum @mozilla Looks like I'll be using LibreWolf if it junks the add-ons of Firefox. Or I cd just use Tor all the time.

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