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How I see the Bluesky bridge debate:

— We're on a decentralized microblogging network open to everyone, owned by no one! Finally!
— Hi all, I used the open protocol of this network to bridge it to another network that would also soon open up to everyone.
— No! Not that kind of open! You can't do that!!!! I did not give you consent to publicly rebroadcast my public posts! How DARE you!


By the way, it also helps to know how ActivityPub actually works. In most cases, your posts don't even reach a server where there's no one following you.


@grishka Do you think threads will also adopt a kind of one way support? it seems like they only talk about posts being seen outside the threads network. and not about fediverse posts seen from threads.


@metaverse_survivor IIRC they will roll out federation step by step, with the eventual goal that everything is fully federated both ways. Showing federated posts in Threads comes with many moderation/policy challenges. Meta is a large company, so such things understandably take time.

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