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Chris Messina


"Scaling back investment With, we made a big bet in 2023 to build a safer, better social media experience, based on Mastodon and the Fediverse. Our initial approach was based on a belief that Mozilla needed to quickly reach large scale in order to effectively shape the future of social media. It was a noble idea but one we struggled to execute. While we resourced heavily to pursue this ambitious idea, in retrospect a (1/2)

Chris Messina

more modest approach would have enabled us to participate in the space with considerably greater agility. The actions we’re taking today will make this strategic correction, working through a much smaller team to participate in the Mastodon ecosystem and more rapidly bring smaller experiments to people that choose to live on the instance." (2/2)

Wu Evar 🇺🇦


Wow 3 months.

Poor chaps. This struggling and this inconsistency makes it hard to cheer for any new Mozilla initiative or product - you can bet it’s dead in a few months (and increasing the risk for just another self-fulfilling prophecy even more)



@chrismessina I’m hoping the “scale back” doesn’t mean it’s gone but it’s tough to know.

Olivier Simard-Casanova

@chrismessina I was toying with the idea to move to this instance. After this announcement, not anymore…

Andrea Trasatti

@chrismessina How does Mozilla get back out of the hole,and innovate in the browser business? We are at risk of either 2 browser engines/experiences or even one if at some point Apple decides Chromium is good enough

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