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Renaud Chaput

To answer some common questions I get:

Yes, we want to have proper safety features for Quote Posts. We got enough feedback from Xitter to know how they can be used for harassment. Maybe this is not a concert to you, but it is for us.

Yes, it takes time, but we are a very small team, with only one full-time developer for the backend. At the moment, handling the day-to-day (reviews, bug fixes, security) is already more than what we can handle, so everything takes more time that we would like.

Renaud Chaput

As always, you can help by contributing, either:
- with code, we are mostly looking for people able to contribute a "large” features after getting guidance from us
- with money, by donating to the project, which allows us to hire more people:

Renaud Chaput

@old_hippie Backend is Ruby on Rails, frontend is (old) React + Redux


@renchap @old_hippie any chance someone will be hired to focus on rewriting it on a more used language so development can be more efficient moving forward?

Old Hippie Ⓥ

@renchap That's not one I have in my toolbox. I'll donate some money instead.


@renchap are you going to ignore the de facto standard implemented already in other fedi software or do you plan to support it? if yes, how?

Ulrike Hahn

@renchap am appreciating the thoughtful approach!

Lien Rag


It's not a concert for me, but apparently it'll be music to the ears of many...

Potung Thul

Thank you to you and your team for the substantial contribution to social functioning of the internet.

E. Ernst eest9 Steinhammer

@renchap What safety features do you have in mind? I think the dynamic this sets in motion won't really be receptive to features 🤨

Deborah Hartmann Preuss, pcc 🇨🇦

@renchap thank you for the update, and for applying your collective talent to doing it well. It's appreciated 🙏

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