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Renaud Chaput

As always, you can help by contributing, either:
- with code, we are mostly looking for people able to contribute a "large” features after getting guidance from us
- with money, by donating to the project, which allows us to hire more people:

Renaud Chaput

@old_hippie Backend is Ruby on Rails, frontend is (old) React + Redux


@renchap @old_hippie any chance someone will be hired to focus on rewriting it on a more used language so development can be more efficient moving forward?

Old Hippie Ⓥ

@renchap That's not one I have in my toolbox. I'll donate some money instead.


@renchap are you going to ignore the de facto standard implemented already in other fedi software or do you plan to support it? if yes, how?

Ulrike Hahn

@renchap am appreciating the thoughtful approach!

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