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no centralised social network could ever produce "the taliban deleted my account". that's a mastodon special.

Koutsie :unverified:

@jacqueline i'd love some context lmao
edit: i have gotten the context lmao

Sr. Estegosaurio 🦕

@k @jacqueline Where can I look for the context? Was the thing related to the domain being from AF?

Pooka🍸Boo 👁🫣🫵

@NikaShilobod @k @SrEstegosaurio @jacqueline

As Christopher Hitchens said, paraphrasing.... we are at war, like it is not, with a very dangerous religiofascist ideology.
While we are worried about christofascism here; and, are working to blunt its horrible effects. Don't fool yourself for a moment that these religiofascists can't wait for the day to force us all to submit to their wickedness via their make-believe nonsense and lies about the world.

Petra van Cronenburg

@NikaShilobod Thank you! Without context, the post above could say so many different things. @k @SrEstegosaurio @jacqueline


@jacqueline That's a fedi special. "Lol /etc/hosts doesn't work" is the Mastodon special twist

Dym Sohin

@tfb @jacqueline
you need to add etc-hosts entry on the server as well as locally

John Francis

@jacqueline ha! How did they know? I guess it's throwing themselves off a tall building then.


@jacqueline @jwz though given that the Saudi sovereign wealth fund is investing a lot in “tech” (i.e., consumer-focused, surveillance-capitalist apps), we’ll probably get close soon

Luca Sironi

@jacqueline hope they managed to migrate all user to a new server with a different tld

Matt Palmer

@jacqueline @jwz "why vanity ccTLDs are a terrible choice, no matter how cool they look", part 387 in an infinite series.

Samantaz Fox

@spv @womble @jacqueline @jwz Like any ccTLD, unless you live there, you'd better keep an eye on politics in that country, and prepare to fly elsewhere if things start to get spicy.

In your case, Saint-Helena has been under control of the British Crown for quite a while, so it should be stable.

Olivier Mehani

@jacqueline I've always had this uneasy sense that if you used a funky TLD, you risked being at the whims of the registrar and/or the country they operate from. I'm even viewing .io suspiciously, but I guess even .com or .net may be at risk (ok, that's a large stretch of the imagination [not actually certain what the bylaws are there])

Hindsight 20/20, .af in a more, let's say, "colloquial" meaning was a sitting duck, even without the anti-queer bigotry. Do we know if other domains were similarly impacted?

Can one ever truly own a domain name?

@jacqueline I've always had this uneasy sense that if you used a funky TLD, you risked being at the whims of the registrar and/or the country they operate from. I'm even viewing .io suspiciously, but I guess even .com or .net may be at risk (ok, that's a large stretch of the imagination [not actually certain what the bylaws are there])

Rune :BlobhajShock:

@shtrom @jacqueline even if you get your own TLD you're fully at the mercy of a huge pile of rules that ICANN will enforce on you. All domains are just borrowed or rented.


@shtrom @jacqueline one owns the domain name, but not the TLD. Different TLDs have different requirements, can be based on where you live, your nationality or the content you host on there. It's really worth doing some, research before picking, especially when using ccTLDs which are reserved for specific countries.


@shtrom @jacqueline Can one ever truly own land? Only so far as the law will defend your ownership.


@shtrom Don't need insight if you've had government do a little more than encourage you to sell farmland for a highway project, for example. Not that it's happened to me, only that it's happened to some folk.

(Edit: They don't call 'em **land-rushes** for **domain** names whenever ICANN makes new ones for nothing.)

Q ✨

@shtrom @jacqueline anything that isn’t a country TLD has rather strict rules set by ICANN, a registry operator can’t just nick your domain unless you do crime


You realize what is a crime totally depends on what the country defines as such? That may exactly be what happened here.
@shtrom @jacqueline

PJ Coffey

@shtrom @jacqueline

D-: .io is for the Chagos Islands. I'll say it involves Britain and the US and then I'll leave you to decide if you want to know. It's pretty horrible and relatively recent so you might not want to.

left-wing math nerd

@Homebrewandhacking @shtrom @jacqueline it’s really awful

I wish people would stop using the .io TLD.

PJ Coffey


Yeah, it's pretty sickening. In my industry, one of the top independent websites for distribution uses the .io domain. I thought it was one of the new non-geographics but it is not.

@shtrom @jacqueline


@shtrom Not a clearnet domain, no. You *can* own an .onion (or similar) though, as all you need for that is a copy of your generated keys. Of course, this will limit the audience of your service somewhat... so renting a clearnet domain on top of the one you actually own is probably a good idea if you're trying to have global appeal for anything.

CEO of Anti-Clock Society

@shtrom @jacqueline I'd love if everyone who is thoughtlessly doing a colonialism by using a .io domain faced some consequence for it.

Kern 🏳️‍🌈 you can never truly own a domain name, only rent them perpetually, and IMO that's one of the most egregious and overlooked downsides to the modern internet
I'm not sure if one day domain registrars will be a thing of the past or not. Even like an IPFS based web will have human readable domain names pointing to IPFS addresses which means somebody has to pay for name servers

tillian 🦊🦇🇵🇸:antifa: ACAB

@Devourer_ITA @jacqueline there used to be an instance called which domain was located in afghanistan. they are closing down now because the government didn't like it


@jacqueline yes, I'm sure BigCo's are going to find a nice euphemism when they end up finding it more profitable to do so

Ben Royce 🇺🇸🇺🇦 Don't Boo: Vote



Don't use the .af domain for anything.

"{Adjective}.as f***" is funny but misogynist homophobic theofascists have no sense of humor


@benroyce @jacqueline eew. I really like that we can block whole domains.

Rich Felker

@jacqueline It's kinda amazing to me how the internet has normalized buying/using ccTLDs without even minimal research into the laws, politics, and even basic stability of the countries they belong to...

Lars Marowsky-Brée 😷

@jacqueline It really isn't. Nations censoring Internet content and enforcing their often puritanical views has been the US's and China's Thing for decades at this point.


Yeah. It's amusing in a way. But also instructive. Buying your domain from a country known for repressive policies was never a good idea.



@EverydayMoggie @jacqueline I don't know about that, people buy domains from the US all the time.


This doesn't mean it's not a bad idea.

@jaryl @jacqueline

Erik Uden ⁂🥥🌴🍑

@jacqueline no, but centralized social networks can produce “I was sentenced to death thanks to the site's owners”

183231bcb Some folks set up a fediverse instance on the domain They intended it to mean "queer as fuck." The problem is that the ".af" top-level domain actually stands for "Afghanistan," not "as fuck." The Taliban was recently given control of the ".af" TLD, so if the admins of wanted to renew their domain they would have had to pay money to the Taliban, and the instance would be under Afghan law. The admins decided to shut the instance down instead. Some folks set up a fediverse instance on the domain They intended it to mean "queer as fuck." The problem is that the ".af" top-level domain actually stands for "Afghanistan," not "as fuck." The Taliban was recently given control of the ".af" TLD, so if the admins of wanted to renew their domain they would have had to pay money to the Taliban, and the instance would be under Afghan...

Charismatic Batman


Okay, I'm dying to know the context behind this toot 🤣

183231bcb Some folks set up a fediverse instance on the domain They intended it to mean "queer as fuck." The problem is that the ".af" top-level domain actually stands for "Afghanistan," not "as fuck." The Taliban was recently given control of the ".af" TLD, so if the admins of wanted to renew their domain they would have had to pay money to the Taliban, and the instance would be under Afghan law. The admins decided to shut the instance down instead. Some folks set up a fediverse instance on the domain They intended it to mean "queer as fuck." The problem is that the ".af" top-level domain actually stands for "Afghanistan," not "as fuck." The Taliban was recently given control of the ".af" TLD, so if the admins of wanted to renew their domain they would have had to pay money to the Taliban, and the instance would be under...

Ciarán McNally

@jacqueline love this but somewhat disappointed it didn't end with

That's mastodon special AF


I was reading recently that these cute urls that use country codes are both inappropriate and stupid.

This one was especially stupid.


EDIT: Oops, I replied to the wrong comment.


But the #fediverse can block you if you write supportive comments on #taliban.

Nathan Schneider

@jacqueline wow this is inspiring me to switch away from a national subdomain controlled by an increasingly fundamentalist government.

Jan Bosch

@jacqueline tbf you could substitute Musk for "the taliban" and it would still make sense


@jacqueline because if they had jurisdiction, they would have deleted the whole service?


@jacqueline centralised social networks likes other way: we deliver your data to government so they can put you into prison/grave


@jacqueline I'm sorry, but this whole thing is actually kinda funny. 😆

Jesse Atkinson

@jacqueline @jwz I lack context. Any info on what this is referencing? 🙂

eugen rochko
@jacqueline the "installed malicious minecraft mod which destroyed the entire server" is a pleroma special
Edward Sneeden
@jacqueline I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Mastodon, is in fact, Fediverse, or as I've recently taken to calling it, ActivityPub Fediverse. Mastodon is not a social network unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning ActivityPub network made useful by the ActivityPub protocol, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full "fediverse" as defined by ActivityPub.
Many computer users run a modified version of the ActivityPub system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of ActivityPub which is widely used today is often called "Mastodon", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Fediverse, developed by the ActivityPub Project.
There really is a Mastodon, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the fediverse they use.
@jacqueline I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Mastodon, is in fact, Fediverse, or as I've recently taken to calling it, ActivityPub Fediverse. Mastodon is not a social network unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning ActivityPub network made useful by the ActivityPub protocol, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full "fediverse" as defined by ActivityPub.
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