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@masukomi like if i'd do a thing like did (i know it's discord-related, yep? just as an example, splitting wiki from chat i meant). all their docs are well documented and you can base only off that but if you'd like further help or for example ask for specific parts of code (maybe in order to make a fork?) you can go into their discord...
and additionally videos for n00bs...

1 comment

@hacknorris oh sure, a human who was actually involved in the creation, that you can ask questions of is a great form of additional support.

BUT it's probably not as good as you think.

There is a _huge_ difference between a person who can make a thing well, and a person who can _explain_ a thing well. The most common example of this is programming experts who have completely forgotten what it was like to be a newb, & don't understand how much of their understanding they're taking for granted.

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