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7 posts total

Pet owners. If you need to regularly give your pet oral meds, and have a 3D Printer I've just uploaded this rock-shaped holder I made for ours.

Holler if you need to support a different sized bottle / syringe, or would like one that can hold hypodermic needles.

Works for human meds too ;)

#CatsOfMastodon #Dogs #Pets #3DPrinting


For the last few jobs this has been literally every single weekday evening for me. I've never heard anyone articulate it as A Thing™ before, but YES. So much YES.

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james is afk


😡 Code should not be in the hands of private for-profit companies
🤡 our documentation is essentially a real time Q&A spread across multiple different groupings and intertwined with memes. all of this is solely owned by a private for-profit company. there are no backups. there are no moderators. Just be good to each other.


@masukomi This makes me very, very sad.


TIL our app uses reCaptcha and was saddened.

I didn't realize how much i've come to absolutely hate everything about reCaptcha

* i hate doing free labor training AIs for ultra-rich companies
* i hate that they punish Firefox users by increasing the likelyhood of showing multiple captchas
* i hate that the instructions are hostile to autistics

That latter one may be non-obvious. When it asks you to click the ⏹s with things, and one barely crosses into another ⏹, do you click that ⏹ or not?

TIL our app uses reCaptcha and was saddened.

I didn't realize how much i've come to absolutely hate everything about reCaptcha

* i hate doing free labor training AIs for ultra-rich companies
* i hate that they punish Firefox users by increasing the likelyhood of showing multiple captchas
* i hate that the instructions are hostile to autistics


just realized my explanation was still non-obvious. The neurotypical doesn't stress about this question. They simply click or don't and don't think about it. The autistic rule-follower wants to follow the instruction correctly.

Knowing that this is used to train cars and the result might actually kill someone kicks in my (our) strong moral imperative and makes me want to get it right even more.

I know i'm not the only autistic who gets hung up on this problem with captchas.


another morning, another #accessibility bug from not checking what happens at large font sizes.

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