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Rupert Reynolds

@mathewi Any time I want accented characters, I start with a long press on an Android keyboard. If that doesn't help, I use the Charm app on Android.

If I want the character on the laptop, I e-mail it to myself from the phone :-)


é - wors fine here (compse, e, '). Btw, I use Debian.

Mathew Ingram

This is sad, but so predictable: Ello launched with a grand vision of being an alternative to profit-driven networks, took VC money, then tried to become a profit-driven network, failed miserably, sold itself and got shut down

Joe Warminsky

@mathewi Haven't thought about that site in such a long time. The UX was pretty good.

Ben Ramsey

@mathewi @blogdiva I swear it launched earlier than 2014 and was originally targeting artists and designers. Or was that just the group that started using it initially? Maybe I was in an early beta? At any rate, I had forgotten about them and didn’t realize they had lasted this long.

Laura Lis Scott

@mathewi @blogdiva Charlie Brown keeps trusting Lucy to hold the football

Mathew Ingram

Aerial image of lava flowing towards the town of Grindavik in Iceland

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