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162 posts total
Masta Live
Today my attention caught up this band - Dead or Alive. Y'know, this guys who sings "You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round". And I've decided to watch some other their musical videos and such.
It's just wonderful how they've performed at stage - just look at them! The year is 1987, country - Japan.
And I absolutely in love with pronunciation of word "haunted" :ablobfoxbongohyper:
Masta Live
It's #OutOfTouchThursday !
I've got an idea of replacing original soundtrack by AI Neco Ark cover on Monday, but scheduled final result :)
Masta Live
Apparently this particular anime was hard to find on torrent trackers (or maybe I looked in wrong places):
Oh, how I started to look into it - this video took my interest:
Masta Live
Hi @ScriptFanix ! I assume you already know this, but I stumbled across your Funkwhale instance and it throwing 502 error. Do you plan to recover it or will shutdown completely?
BTW I was following you sweet library from my Funkwhale instance and want to say thanks for it :)
Masta Live
Ugh, it's a pure nightmare, roughly 10 days in and ~60% rescued.
It'll be easy if not this "Input file disappeared" errors, where I must manually reset power on USB-to-SATA adapter, or it'll be no problem just to leave this disk unsupervised.
Masta Live
Пробую по приколу сайты знакомств, пока складывается стойкое ощущение, что здесь кучи ботов...
Феди-Знакомства when?
Masta Live
Отзывы доставляют не меньше:
"те, кто хорошо озывается об этом сайте, якобы довольные клиенты, на самом деле - хорошо проплаченные пиздоболы, которые за.деньги и самого
Гитлера будут считать Исусом-Мучеником, посланым с небес чтобы спасти нас."
Данила Горелко

> Феди-Знакомства when?

Буквально комментарии под постами)

Masta Live
I was playing in game called "No Place Like Home" and found this neat easter egg (I've added music tho)
Masta Live
Hello, @demize ! I've noticed some crawler bot on my Funkwhale instance that mentioned in GET request your Mastodon instance. Nice to meet you! :blobcat:
Masta Live
Ah yes, that trilling moment when you find out that you last backup wasn't properly written, and you must use 4 month old copy instead. 😬
I've tried to migrate my #Funkwhale pod from Debian-based install with 1.2.10 version to Docker-based on version 1.3.1
Well, I've migrated! But at what cost :blobcatderpy:
Anyway, I left intact media storage, but inside there some machine gibberish, and maybe I'll sort it out somehow
Ah yes, that trilling moment when you find out that you last backup wasn't properly written, and you must use 4 month old copy instead. 😬
I've tried to migrate my #Funkwhale pod from Debian-based install with 1.2.10 version to Docker-based on version 1.3.1
Masta Live
Also one of the best pods seems to went offline some time ago. I hope admin are alright
Masta Live
nvm I actually doesn't remove existing Postgresql database, so it was quick fix and we're up and running!
Masta Live
Послушал сегодня подкаст об истории #Fediverse за авторством @drq, очень интересно, рекомендую ознакомиться 👍
(там почти два часа начитанного текста, моё увожение как говорится)
Masta Live
Hey, lovely people of Fediverse, can someone shed some light for me on app called "Beeper"(https://www.beeper[.]com/)? I guess it's just a bunch of #Matrix bridges under the hood, can I trust it? I mean, not much to hide, only private messages, but it'll be a shame if this is a scam and company behind this app sells user data :ablobcatsweatsip:
Edit: changed visibility
Masta Live
I think it's time for my first word filter here. Man, I'm already a whole year in Fediverse and only now I start to use it.
Masta Live
Оу, у меня тут беклог постов в сутки, поэтому с запозданием поздравляю @drq с Днём рождения, желаю семь девяток аптайма и минимум федидрам!
Masta Live
Хочу поблагодарить @th3rdsergeevich за вытаскивание в моё поле зрения группы Mastodon. Заслушиваю до дыр их альбом Once More 'Round The Sun, балдёжно :ablobcatneon:
BTW вся (ну или почти) их дискография есть в федерации Funkwhale, что как бы намекает 😉
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