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20 posts total

Recently learned about touchdesigner. It's been around forever, but I hadn't heard of it. Saw it has a midi operator, and tried wiring it to Orca. Fun! #theWorkshop


I've decided to donate my Latte Panda Alpha as part of a larger year-long trend of trimming back my inventory of stuff. In this case, it's an excellent computer, but now I don't really need it's ergonomics and gpio.
I'm marking the occasion by celebrating why I got it to begin with - to webcam a bluebird house. We were able to monitor for predators and enjoy watching a few rounds of hatchlings grow up. Thanks Panda! On to new adventures!


@tendigits wow that is so precious :moomin_sparkles: thanks for sharing some of the footage, even that short sequence is so lovely to watch.


Wired up this 5V media player with a 3 to 5V booster board and a usb charger board*. Both are inside this sandwich with a lipo battery and a custom aluminum back plate. I wired the three boards together with wrapping wire because it's thin and flexible, but that's probably "the wrong thing to do™". Anyways once that tiny lipo is charged up, we'll see if it's all behaving.


Oh I forgot the * was to credit @adafruit aa source of the two helper boards.


Loading up beach reads including Wiktopher [1] on my jail broken e-reader. [2]




@tendigits oo I've been wanting to jailbreak my Kindle for a while, I did it to one a long time ago. thanks for sharing


"...merging computing and drawing involves merging cultures and methods."
- Computational Drawing, Carl Lostritto


to line 458 of uxnemu.c to remove the mac toolbar from my uxn windows :)


I found that a few sheets in this book of negatives are color. I can't tell if the development was done in a not great way, if the negative color has degraded over time, or if I've not done a great job processing. Possibly all three. #theWorkshop


@tendigits How old are these? I found (digitizing 30+ year old family negs) that even with improper storage, degeneration usually isn’t much of a problem. The original prints had faded *way* more.

Processing color scans is tricky, what software are you using?


Interested in taking a shot at processing this negative differently? Here's my original RAW photo of the negative:
[Warning, this file is about 24 MB]
I'm very open to learning more about how to process negatives better and/or just seeing how others interpret!
cc @moritz @alien


More experiments photographing negatives. These are pictures my dad took of some of my mom’s fiber arts pieces from when she did weaving. Close ups are with a macro lens attachment but these are all taken with phone camera. Next I’ll try a “real” camera with more glass. #theWorkshop


"when a website loads in under 500ms I feel that the people behind this website care about me more than just a number in a spreadsheet or a pixel in a dashboard"

From What Makes a Website Cool [1] found in the remarkably well curated mailings of Naive Weekly [2]

1 -

2 -


Catching up on RSS (leads to) finding @trevorflowers really cool Alto replicas (leads to) learning the replicas use an emulator called ContrAlto (leads to) messing around with an OS as old as I am.

Ding Dang Trevor Flowers

@tendigits It's so cool, right? Josh Dersch is the creator of ContrAlto and I feel lucky to have worked with him on the replicas' software.


[Opens Apple WWDC video]

[Sees someone walking around with a giant ski mask inside]

"Super yuck"

[Close browser tab]

Devine Lu Linvega


[Opens Apple WWDC video]

"Your browser is not supported, Javascript is required to"

[Close browser tab]


Digging back into @compudanzas uxn tutorial for the (I think) third time. Each time I return, I find a bit more is retained from the last time, so it's great to build on that, even if slowly.

What I especially like about learning uxn is that it's very much the opposite of modern coding patterns like "inherit this library which depends on these libraries x 1000."

In contrast, uxn feels like "I wrote this pixel from scratch. I earned this pixel."


“The chip is a tiny computer program the size of a domino. It stores 48000 bits of information.”
— from video in my previous boosted post.

Csepp 🌢

@tendigits Could you either link to it or make this a reply? It's never not a chore to try to track down what "last boost" refers to.
Sorry, this is like my number one pet peeve with fedi usage. (Other than screenshots of text.)


For #finishit I'll complete my brutalist norns sheild case. It's nearly there so maybe there will be a secondary goal as well.


Literally found this on the side of the road with a note indicating it worked and just needed ink. Brought it home, cleaned it up, put in new ink. Works as advertised. Bringing it over to my parents today so mom can use it.


@tendigits Great thing to do! Have like a dozen of rescued printers on my count. Almost each one was eventually adopted by new hosts and got detailed instructions with it about how to buy compatible cartridges from someone not that greedy as it's original brand.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua


Last September the same happened to me.

I left a "thank you for the printer :blacker_heart_outline: " sign where I found it.


So much amazing stuff being shared in What a difference to be surprised and creatively inspired compared to other feeds.


A new wiki collecting info for circuit bending. Shared by Haunted Harmonics on IG.


Good morning, basil on the roof 🌱

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