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7 posts total
Wesley Moore

Mastodon apps on Android tablets seem to be a sorry state of affairs. None seem actually designed for this form factor.

Wesley Moore

Fantastic post by Tristan Hume on a myriad of tracing and performance tools and tips for using them:

All my favorite tracing tools: eBPF, QEMU, Perfetto, new ones I built and more -

Wesley Moore

Oh I love this! The website for (a company by the folks that made the Shortcuts app that Apple acquired and baked into iOS) launches Mac OS 8.0 in an emulator and the content of the site is a classic Mac OS application. /via @daringfireball

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Ángela Stella Matutina

@wezm @daringfireball

I love this too! I'm playing with a Mac for the first time in like, 20 years. Thank you!

Athena L.M.

@wezm @daringfireball this website downloads a copy of netscape navigator into your browser


@wezm @daringfireball oopsies :p (it worked after closing the page and opening it again)


@wezm make me proud of the approach we take at suse to ship N and N-1 even in our enterprise streams

Wesley Moore

Oh nice the Rust project is in the process of setting up its own Mastodon instance


@wezm wonder if they'll create their own fedi server in rust...

Though it is cool to see them choosing to have their own server

Wesley Moore

Why are we regressing on user interface usability instead of getting better?

Here is the first run setup wizard on a @Raspberry_Pi 400. There is a select box to choose your country. It has pre-selected the United States (for some reason). I want to choose Australia. Typing 'a' to jump to the top does nothing, I have to scroll-scroll-scroll to get there. 1/2

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@wezm @Raspberry_Pi
regression started with the invention of the mouse, replacing thoughtfully designed key-driven interfaces with single button click click click click click

@wezm @Raspberry_Pi Who were the UI designers that decided the default birth year selector should be a drop-down menu?

Related: is it wrong to assume SQLi vulns on systems which don't practice input validation on date selection?

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@wezm Nothing makes me nostalgic for old Macs like Clarus the Dogcow. Seeing this reminded me she’s back in the default Page Setup menu after being completely absent for years.

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