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15 posts total

Watching transistor in microscope


When: 20 August, 19:00

Fediverse is a universe of social networks united by a single protocol. The most popular representative is Mastodon, but this is just a part of the multifaceted universe of Fediverse, where everything from microblogs and articles to podcasts and video hosting services can be connected!

We are announcing Fedi-meet, a gathering of everyone who is present in the Fediverse, or would like to learn more about the Fediverse and join the community.

When: 20 August, 19:00

Fediverse is a universe of social networks united by a single protocol. The most popular representative is Mastodon, but this is just a part of the multifaceted universe of Fediverse, where everything from microblogs and articles to podcasts and video hosting services can be connected!


✨ beauty from one of our residents



Every Wednesday, 19:00

We talk about complicated things in simple words. We dive deep into the inner workings of *Unix systems, low-level programming, and generally learning about IT from the ground up.

Event by:
@dettlaff (dropped out of the game) for details (u can steel use RSS)


Our evening results:
- the game of life on an led matrix
- tbilisi television tower by @p_hash


We boot LLAMA on RP4 and what we got :beanblobcathyper:

слон 🏳️‍🌈

@f0rthsp4ce это так выглядит сходка линуксоидов?


Hello Fediverse :3 :3 :3

We are Hackerspace from Tbilisi and we have OPEN DOORS DAY: 1y anniversary
26 March, Sunday 14:00 - 22:00

We've been hanging out here for a year, and you keep walking by. Come on, join us already, we've even opened all the doors!

There will be lectures, talks, movie, hellish music, all what we love, check the schedule ⬆️

We thank everyone who has helped us this year! 🎉
We've prepared some surprises for our old&new friends btw.

Hello Fediverse :3 :3 :3

We are Hackerspace from Tbilisi and we have OPEN DOORS DAY: 1y anniversary
26 March, Sunday 14:00 - 22:00

We've been hanging out here for a year, and you keep walking by. Come on, join us already, we've even opened all the doors!

There will be lectures, talks, movie, hellish music, all what we love, check the schedule ⬆️


Hello Fediverse :3 :3 :3

We are Hackerspace from Tbilisi and we have OPEN DOORS DAY: 1y anniversary
26 March, Sunday 14:00 - 22:00

We've been hanging out here for a year, and you keep walking by. Come on, join us already, we've even opened all the doors!

There will be lectures, talks, movie, hellish music, all what we love, check the schedule ⬆️

We thank everyone who has helped us this year! 🎉
We've prepared some surprises for our old&new friends btw.

Hello Fediverse :3 :3 :3

We are Hackerspace from Tbilisi and we have OPEN DOORS DAY: 1y anniversary
26 March, Sunday 14:00 - 22:00

We've been hanging out here for a year, and you keep walking by. Come on, join us already, we've even opened all the doors!

There will be lectures, talks, movie, hellish music, all what we love, check the schedule ⬆️

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