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3 posts total
Privacy International

BREAKING: Palantir awarded NHS Contract.

Getting big tech firms to run our healthcare systems is a bad idea.

Organisations like Palantir shouldn't benefit from processing information about your sensitive and private health conditions.

This Palantir contact has been secretive and opportunistic throughout.

And Palantir will contiune to avoid transparency over how their algorithms work on the basis of commercial confidentiality.

Privacy International

Big data analytics outfit Palantir have been involved with data systems across a range of UK govt departments. If this continues, we might end up locked in and dependent on them and their services

Privacy International

With so many social media apps out there, why join an ads server? 🤔


@privacyint We'll see. It might not be federated immediately, or it'll be limited who knows. I can see this to be an introduction to the fediverse for a lot of people. I'm 16 and nobody of my age knows about the fediverse or mastodon

Privacy International

Did you ever want to buy a smartphone, TV or laptop and felt like it was hard to know how long they would be supported for? 🤔

You're not alone. Our *NEW* research explains why that might be the case and why it matters way more than you might think!

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