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I've seen atheists dismiss trans ppl as another religion.

I've seen christians dismiss trans ppl as a rebellion against their god.

I've seen feminists dismiss trans ppl as an artifact of patriarchy.

I've seen anti-feminists dismiss trans ppl as a deranged product of feminism.

I've seen conservatives dismiss trans ppl as a threat to the social order.

I've seen leftists dismiss trans ppl as a threat to revolution.

Everyone uses their favorite political theory to justify their bigotry.


In fact, this is the only consistency in cis people's dislike of trans people: they all reach for their favorite political and social theories, whatever they may be, and then cobble together an ad hoc justification for hating trans people and eliminating us.

Those theories exist in political contradiction to each other, but cis people stand united in their desire to form half assed reasons to despise us.

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