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Wtf, I open firefox this Morning to find that #Fedora had added all of this crap to my bookmarks toolbar on #firefox? like wtf #linux

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Adam Williamson :fedora:

@zperretta those have been in Fedora's default Firefox config for...over a decade, at least. IIRC there's a weird thing with Firefox where it only *shows the bookmark toolbar at all* sometimes, which might be why you see it suddenly appearing - the bookmark toolbar might not have been shown for you before at all. I can't remember exactly when it gets shown and when it doesn't. But that's a Firefox thing, not a Fedora thing.

Brage Fuglseth

@zperretta They come with the pre-installed Firefox version on every Fedora system, but I haven't heard of them suddenly returning before after initially removing them. Did you reinstall Firefox, or have you maybe used the one from Flathub before?

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