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4 posts total

Guy Noir has reached the age when he's basically just a cat. However he does look velvety soft.


A little nostalgia: The Cutie Patootie, who was my last cat, posing for a portrait. A neighbor's barn cat (he had a barn full of Manx cats!) she adopted me one cold winter, insisting on being in a warm place to have her kittens. The sweetest and smartest cat I have ever had, I had her trained to sit and wait for dinner quietly, and Guy Noir learned from her. She would also fetch, come, sit and stay. I guess Manx cats are usually smart. The survivors of her first and only litter were immediately adopted (tailless cats often have kittens with enough spinal problems they don't do well, and the father was another Manx). She lived to be 22 years old!

She was named The Cutie Patootie by my daughter.

A little nostalgia: The Cutie Patootie, who was my last cat, posing for a portrait. A neighbor's barn cat (he had a barn full of Manx cats!) she adopted me one cold winter, insisting on being in a warm place to have her kittens. The sweetest and smartest cat I have ever had, I had her trained to sit and wait for dinner quietly, and Guy Noir learned from her. She would also fetch, come, sit and stay. I guess Manx cats are usually smart. The survivors of her first and only litter were immediately adopted...


Contemplating whether he can move fast enough to actually bite me. Sadly he is a biter. Good old Guy Noir. Nowadays I'm faster than him.


Last summer the fires in Washington, Oregon and California created a dark gloomy smoky sky making for muddy tones on the beach. The beaches in Washington seem to excel in driftwood piles. Dash Point State Park, Washington, USA

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