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Omg, I can’t breathe 🤣

The Irish People's Party poster girl is a RUSSIAN girl living in Saint Petersburg. The photographer who took the shot is from Russia too. The Irish People's Party just bought that photo from Shutterstock.

1. Irish People's Party banner
2. Photographer’s Instagram where she showcases her work
3. The model, Julia Olina

Like, ffs, these fascists failed even to find a nice Irish model for their campaign.

#irishpeoplesparty #mastodaoine #irishelections #irishelections2024

Omg, I can’t breathe 🤣

The Irish People's Party poster girl is a RUSSIAN girl living in Saint Petersburg. The photographer who took the shot is from Russia too. The Irish People's Party just bought that photo from Shutterstock.

1. Irish People's Party banner
2. Photographer’s Instagram where she showcases her work
3. The model, Julia Olina

Marc Fritsche

@dration This is somewhat unsurprising, nice catch!


You can't make this stuff up.

I am Russian, so no hate for the Russians here, but the sheer fact that all those anti-immigrant, fascist, Ireland-is-for-the-Irish loons are using a Russian girl on their banner as representation of 'Ireland'... that's an unprecedented level of self-own.


Today, the Russian Supreme Court declared the international LGBT movement as extremist. This effectively means that any #LGBTQ+ person in #Russia can be charged with extremism based on their identity, and could face up to 12 years in prison.

It doesn’t mean that every member of the community will be prosecuted, but no one is safe and the law will be used oppressively to punish those who speak up. And, it will be exploited by the police to enhance their metrics of "preventing extremism."


From a birdsite, I’d like it making rounds here as well:

I speak 🇷🇺 🇸🇪🇬🇧 Church Slavonic
I also understand 🇳🇴 🇺🇦
learned at school 🇬🇧 Church Slavonic
learned later 🇬🇷 🇩🇪 🇮🇪 Latin
Would like to learn 🇯🇵 and Amslen/other sign language
my phone is set to 🇬🇧
I swear in 🇷🇺🇸🇪🇬🇧🇷🇸🇩🇪


From a birdsite, I’d like it making rounds here as well:

I speak 🇷🇺 🇸🇪🇬🇧 Church Slavonic
I also understand 🇳🇴 🇺🇦
learned at school 🇬🇧 Church Slavonic
learned later 🇬🇷 🇩🇪 🇮🇪 Latin
Would like to learn 🇯🇵 and Amslen/other sign language
my phone is set to 🇬🇧
I swear in 🇷🇺🇸🇪🇬🇧🇷🇸🇩🇪


Someone call an ambulance! It seems like they are already mining Bitcoin using the poor old grandpa's intellectual abilities.


@rf а нет ли у русскоязычного коммьюнити группы по обмену рублей/валюты?

Мне нужны периодически рубли на карту в РФ (немного), готова отдавать в евро на европейскую карту/счёт. Куда бы мне с такой потребностью пойти?


К пропавшей без вести "диггерской" экскурсии в Неглинку, наглядный материал: что бывает в Неглинке после ливня:

(во время ливня, понятно бывает ещё хуже)

Лазить летом, в жару как сейчас в Москве - это жуткий идиотизм. Ходить на коммерческие "диггерские экскурсии" с непонятными ебобо - тоже очень не умно.

@rf #дигг #urbex


Today, I went to an #otter survey workshop organized by the Cork Nature Network. Next month, I’ll be participating in otter survey in #Galway. Happy to have a chance to use my otter knowledge in practical work.

Plus, I got a cute #otterspotter hi-vis vest.

#Gaillimh #madrauisce



I am 42yo woman, who immigrated from Russia to Ireland last autumn. Currently residing in #Gaillimh, and deeply in love with this city.
I do #factchecking and B2B #OSINT for a living.
Nature and life sciences are my passions, particularly Climate Change/sustainability and conservation.

Solo hiker, usually doing autonomous hikes through Scandinavian Arctic on vacations.

love otters, muskoxen and mosses

I speak Russian, English, and Swedish and learning Gaelige.


I am 42yo woman, who immigrated from Russia to Ireland last autumn. Currently residing in #Gaillimh, and deeply in love with this city.
I do #factchecking and B2B #OSINT for a living.
Nature and life sciences are my passions, particularly Climate Change/sustainability and conservation.


#introduction по-русски. Мне 42 года, имигрировала в Ирландию в прошлом году.

Зарабатываю фактчекингом и ОСИНТ.

В отпуска хожу в сольные автономные походы по заполярью.

Люблю и разбираюсь в природе, интересуюсь изменением климата, sustainability/conservation (работала на ООНовских проектах по этим темам).

Разговариваю на русском/английском/шведском, сейчас учу ирландский, чтобы быть хорошим имигрантов.

Люблю выдров и овцебыков, мхи и лишайники.
а вот людей не очень люблю.

#introduction по-русски. Мне 42 года, имигрировала в Ирландию в прошлом году.

Зарабатываю фактчекингом и ОСИНТ.

В отпуска хожу в сольные автономные походы по заполярью.

Люблю и разбираюсь в природе, интересуюсь изменением климата, sustainability/conservation (работала на ООНовских проектах по этим темам).


Re: “Russophobia”

A person from an Irish NGO fighting for social justice and against discrimination recently asked if we experience any kind of discrimination or other issues because of our (Ru) nationality.

No we don’t. Every single person we met has been friendly and compassionate. (While we try to be respectful and not disturb Ukrainian refugees when we meet them.)

But it speaks something very important about the integrity of Irish people and society which upholds the values of humanity.


Hi, mastodon. Today it’s my burthday. As a present please show me something beautiful or tell me something interesting in replies. 💜

Don’t have much following here so not sure how it will turn out, but wanna give it a try.

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@dration Фотографий с птичками нет, но есть фото с раскопок в Александровской слободе

Местный репортаж:

Blue happy birthday! I have this amazing sky shot

Happy birthday
​:gura_wave:​ Fun fact: I sent this message to you not from Mastodon :)

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