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4 posts total
Jim Nielsen

📝 I messed up with git. But a gist saved me. And its comments section is an oasis in the desert of internet comments.

Roma Komarov

@jimniels `reflog` is probably the best command in git, haha. Not in the way it works (as opaque as everything in git), but that it allows you to restore almost anything.

Jim Nielsen

📝 With the Big Sur-ification of macOS icons, many apps lost an opportunity to explore what their icon could’ve been. Instead they took their logo & plopped it on a white background.

I put together a small collection of visually interesting alternatives.

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Wow. I don't follow apple stuff much... but that is the laziest shit I've ever seen.

I do like your alternatives.
Jim Nielsen



[iOS in-app alert]

“Are you enjoying this app?”

[Yes / No]

Yes -> prompt user for App Store review

No -> take user to in-app form asking why they don’t like the app


My suggestion:

1) don’t do this
2) if you’re going to anyway, make the very first option on the “No” form be auto-selected and it says “I actually like the app, I just didn’t want to say ‘yes’ and be taken to fill out a review at the moment you asked because I’m busy”

sam henri gold @ config

@jimniels third option if space permits on the initial alert: “It’s fine I guess; go away and don’t ask again”

Jim Nielsen

Great graphic: one line of CSS, many results (all due to color space)

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Dan V Peterson

@jimniels The OKLCH result bums me out, I would have expected it to be the same as OKLab. I wonder if that is browser dependent or if it’s something that may change in an update.

Amelia Bellamy-Royds

@jimniels *due to color spaces AND browser bugs

(the gradient renderings here are incorrectly assuming a color-space-specific "starting hue" for white, instead of treating it as a neutral that matches whatever you're blending with, as required by the CSS spec)

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