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1,533 posts total
Johannes Ernst

An error message would be nice, dear git, instead of just hanging.

git config --global http.postBuffer <higher-value> did it.

Johannes Ernst

What interest would trump have in holding on to an Iran attack plan? Why that document?



Two thoughts.

The Saudi's.
Bragging rights.

Johannes Ernst

The national womens’ soccer league in Germany is being renamed “Google Pixel Frauen-Bundesliga”. What new insanity is this?

Johannes Ernst

Off the allergy pills for an upcoming allergy test. Not happy.

Johannes Ernst

Somebody is making sense about the real dangers of #AI! I completely agree -- I'm not worried about electronic overlords any time soon, but I am very worried about new human overlords (hiding behind the supposed threat of electronic overlords.)

And I would add I'm also worried about clueless people applying hallucinating tech to important things -- sooner or later somebody is going to hook up GPT4 to, well, why not a nuclear power plant. And then we're in for a ride.

Somebody is making sense about the real dangers of #AI! I completely agree -- I'm not worried about electronic overlords any time soon, but I am very worried about new human overlords (hiding behind the supposed threat of electronic overlords.)

And I would add I'm also worried about clueless people applying hallucinating tech to important things -- sooner or later somebody is going to hook up GPT4 to, well, why not a nuclear power plant. And then we're in for a ride.


@J12t it appears to *exclude* John Deere tractors, and, most especially, CARS. Looking forward, we need the ability to run our own software on the car we buy. If not, do you really own it?

Johannes Ernst

OH this morning on the Fediverse Developer Network call:

"How much of the internet should I cache?"

Indeed. #programming

Johannes Ernst

Also, #OpenSCAD has done more to refresh my (clearly very rusty) knowledge of trigonometry and 2-D linear algebra than anything else since math in college.

Just how to you smoothly transition a sphere into a cone? Took three attempts to get it right!

Johannes Ernst

"Twitter Fails to Remove Hate Speech By Blue-Check Users: Report" / "If you pay $8 a month, Twitter will boost your tweets, new research found, even if you post about how ‘Hitler was right.’"

Surprising exactly ... who?

lucie digitální

@J12t Isn't that literally one of the selling points?

Johannes Ernst

Registered for the next #IIW in October -- the premier event for the movers and shakers in digital identity and self-sovereign identity. It is the 37th time!

How many events do you know who have a track record of 37? With more people coming these days than ever before? Wouldn't be surprised if it sold out again because the venue is full.

#iiw #identity #ssi

Johannes Ernst

Mercedes-Benz has a #web3 division.

Knowing what I know of German automotive engineering companies ... let's just say the management meetings including the head of the web3 division might be for the ages.

Johannes Ernst

"Code new worlds" is the tagline for Apple's headset event next Monday.

I have to admit I am very curious. Unlike just about anybody, I am highly intrigued by what 3D can do for us. And who wouldn't want to code a new world??

Terence Eden

@J12t "30% fee applies. Nothing we find morally objectionable. Only available to the very wealthy. Designed in California."

Emma Builds 🚀

@J12t having worked at Linden Lab, coding new worlds isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Johannes Ernst

"BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification), an email specification that allows brand-controlled logos to be displayed [in the mail client]".

Never heard of this before, but apparently it's a thing. #security #email #brands

Johannes Ernst

The set of all numbers some human has written down or thought of at some time.

Johannes Ernst

Fediverse Developers Network meeting this week Wednesday 11am pacific on Jitsi. Hope to see many of you again!

Notes from the previous call:

More details in the Matrix Announce Channel:

/cc @fedidevs #fedidev #fedidevs

Johannes Ernst

Great piece on #ai by Ezra Klein in The NY Times. Except at the end, where he is hopeful we’ll handle it well, imho there is very little chance of that.

Johannes Ernst

“Bashing” is apparently now a word in the German language.

Emma Builds 🚀

@J12t are “kshing", “shing", and “zshing" words in German yet?


@J12t isn't Bashing what happens during Fasching with all night parties?

Johannes Ernst

“Respiratory infections are the leading cause of death for children around the world and the No. 1 reason kids are hospitalized in the United States, but scientists don’t know what causes a good chunk of them.” Something I suspected but didn’t know.

Johannes Ernst

Note to self: document your design rationales. Because when try to write them down, those "rationales" sometimes don't sound so rational.

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