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1,557 posts total
Johannes Ernst

This is the first time I’ve been to San Francisco by public transport since the pandemic started. There’s now a subway, wow, so that’s great! But Chinatown is basically shutdown, maybe a third of places are open and basically no customers.

Johannes Ernst

May 1st, in fourth grade a long time ago, I didn’t have a good time. My belly hurt so much … and later, after surgery, they told me that my appendix had ruptured and (much later) that without antibiotics, I’d probably have died.

Yay antibiotics. Yay for going to the doctor earlier.

Johannes Ernst

Brave woman, fought back and got killed. And no surprise, some guy thought what a great opportunity. Disgusted.

Johannes Ernst

Note to self: if you have bread in the oven, don't forget about it.

Fortunately one can smell it when it's ready.

Johannes Ernst

#PersonalAI isn't as straightforward as people sometimes make it out to be.

Example: today's Meta-AI-inside-Messenger experiment. Prompt: A campfire while backpacking in the Sierra at dusk, with me roasting marshmallows.

The scenery is very nice, and looks like the Sierras, even the right type of trees. So that's great. Given Meta has social media photos of me, so one would think ... the guy there is completely unlike me, never had the kind of hat, hair, beard or shirt like this.


@J12t It's image shaming you, showing you who it thinks you should be

Johannes Ernst

Whittled down the list of people I’m following. With no algorithm in the fediverse that shows me what it thinks I should be interested in, I better pick myself how I fill my feed.

Johannes Ernst

Score one for ChatGPT.

It correctly showed me that I needed to use quotes to configure pytest inside pyproject.toml. Error message and documentation (that I found) were not useful.

Johannes Ernst

Let's say you wanted to increase velocity on your product development process to reach #enshittification nirvana faster. What can you do?

A laser-sharp focus on putting #AI everywhere clearly can help. And Meta is not the only culprit.

Johannes Ernst

Reading about #gps #jamming . I get the “louder than the satellite” part, but shouldn’t there be some kind of cryptographic signature or something that lets you distinguish which is which, and some kind of token to guard against replay attacks? Is there? Maybe only in the encrypted US military version? (Guessing wildly…)

Jim Fenton 🇺🇸🇨🇦

@J12t My guess that we don't share the keying for the P-code (the military precision GPS) with the Ukranians, so they have to use the commercial version, which has a short key.

Johannes Ernst

And then you find yourself as one of the Fediverse handles linked to by Techmeme on the story that Mastodon is forming a US not-for-profit organization.

Never figured out how they pick the linked posts.

/cc @gaberivera any insights you can share?

Johannes Ernst

Let's say you set up a ticket vending machine for public transport, and you feel very ... not sure, maybe bureaucratic?

What should you call that machine? What about:

Passenger Operated Machine (POM).

The domain/object modelers among us just died a little.

Johannes Ernst

<P>In the beginning, html was <B>all</B> <BLINK>uppercase.</BLINK>.

I don't remember when or why it turned lowercase. Anybody remember?

Also, apparently it didn't have an <HTML> tag.

Johannes Ernst

Interesting choice of board members for the new Mastodon US not-for-profit. Inasmuch directors influence the direction of the project towards their areas of interest, it tells us something where they are planning to go.

Johannes Ernst

“I am in shock that a lawyer stood in the U.S. Supreme Court and said that a president could assassinate his political opponent and it would be immune as ‘an official act.’ I am in despair that several Justices seemed to think this answer made perfect sense.”

Joe Stewart

@J12t @heidilifeldman
Perhaps it would be useful to test that legal theory? You know, assassinate say 5 of them and then nominate a new set of 5 who might rule differently?

Randall Lee

@J12t these elite fucks are acting like this is a game without consequences. They have moved from their private cigar and scotch parlors to implement their plan

Johannes Ernst

Achievement unlocked: highest dose in the allergy injection regime.

Status: itchy.

Next steps: now you have reached this achievement for the fourth time in your life, can you maybe manage to stay on the level??!?

Johannes Ernst

11 people on the data portability task force meeting for the #fediverse today.

wakest ⁂

@J12t thanks for posting I didn't know this was happening

Johannes Ernst

And then you go through the ActivityStreams standard (which is one of the standards the #Fediverse is built on) and find your own name in the Acknowledgements section.

Among what looks like 1000 other people. But nevertheless ...

Johannes Ernst

"Save complete Web page".

Firefox: Garbled.
Chrome: Garbled.
Safari: Perfect.

We have a winner.

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