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Johannes Ernst

First beet #harvest of the year. I got to watch it, because when I don’t harvest them in time, they first get stuck and grow into my growing baskets, and then burst them. But otherwise beets grow really well in my backyard #hydroponics system.

This batch gets pickled, and works really well with things such as hummus.

Johannes Ernst

Somehow I got stuff done today. The todo list is noticeably shorter. Yay.

StarrWulfe (JLGatewood)

@J12t that makes one of us. It was smooth sailing until our 2 1/2 year old refrigerator decided it didn’t like keeping its insides nice and cold. In the middle of my daughter’s birthday dinner. Fun times 🍻

Johannes Ernst

So I got a whole bunch of 10-month old posts from Bluesky in my Mastodon feed today. Bridgy Fed must be working! But is that date mapping working as designed @snarfed ?

Johannes Ernst

I have a 3D avatar that's connected to the #Fediverse!

HTC's Viviverse virtual world turned on their Fediverse connection yesterday I think.

This is actually major news. HTC is a major company!!

Say Hi to !

Rule 34 @evan Wow, this sounds very interesting! But I don't understand, what kind of updates will I get if I follow a Viviverse avatar?

Billy Smith


The link on the original profile takes me to a JSON error page, though the main Viverse website is still working.

From looking there, it seems to be a VR-version of :D

Johannes Ernst

In case you are thinking humanity is getting CO2 #emissions under control, I have this graph for you.

This is not the absolute CO2 level in the atmosphere, but its growth rate. Think for a second what this growth rate would have to be so we can stay below 1.5 or 2deg warning.

Right, this growth rate would have to be negative: fewer emissions this year than last year.

Of course, it's not. It's worse, much worse. The growth is still growing!! It's not even constant.

In case you are thinking humanity is getting CO2 #emissions under control, I have this graph for you.

This is not the absolute CO2 level in the atmosphere, but its growth rate. Think for a second what this growth rate would have to be so we can stay below 1.5 or 2deg warning.

Right, this growth rate would have to be negative: fewer emissions this year than last year.

Johannes Ernst

Looking at drill bit sets on Amazon. This one metric drill bit set has 25 bits, ranging from 1mm to 13mm.

Helpfully, Amazon points out it costs $2.20 per count.

Dan Lyke

@J12t at least it didn't give cost per millimeter...

Mike P

@J12t Now I am tempted to make a followbot followbot which automatically follows other followbots.

Johannes Ernst

Opaque algorithms are a funny thing.

Over on #Threads, my "Following" feed does consistently have more things in it that are interesting to me than my "For you" feed.

I've been observing this for a few weeks now, and it's consistent.

Seem the cost function might be optimizing for something other than what I like? Or is the signal not good enough because I don't "like" or such enough?

Johannes Ernst

On #WorldPressFreedomDay 2024, the 🇺🇸 has dropped to 55th on RSF’a index.
📰📉”After a sharp increase in 2020, #PressFreedom violations have fallen significantly in the United States, but major structural barriers to press freedom persist in this country, once considered a model for freedom of expression.”

Johannes Ernst

There are 14 people on the W3C's Social Web Incubator Community Group today. The group is finalizing new documents that describe how to use WebFinger and HTTP Signatures in the #Fediverse, and a bunch of other work going on as well.

So glad to see what there is ongoing work making the technical plumbing that makes the Fediverse work even better!

If you care, you can participate, it's open for all (constructive participants).

Johannes Ernst

If you plant two plants of egg plant, as I did, did you just plant two egg plant plants, or merely two egg plants?

Johannes Ernst

I’m afraid if I say these are two egg plants, people will look at me strangely and then gently try to explain chickens to me.

Johannes Ernst

And if you get them as small plants from the store, where do they come from?

Egg plant plant plants perhaps?

Johannes Ernst

The French president is again thinking out loud about the circumstances in which the French would send troops to Ukraine.

Wish we'd live in a world where nobody would have to think about these kinds of things.

(in German)

Johannes Ernst

It's always amazed me that, which you have to use in order to interact w/ the IRS online these days, has a top level domain from the country of Montenegro. Ublock Origin says they're injecting tracking links from Italy's TLD when you login at the website.

What's next? Cookies from Colombia? AI from Anguilla?

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Mike Loukides

@briankrebs Do the cookies from Columbia come with coffee?

Victor S Sigmoid

@briankrebs I propose a law that bars third party data brokers from any site or interaction which directly or indirectly requires government ID per law. KYC and tax are two examples. Any related data should be tainted as "fruit of the ID Tree" and restricted from outside the authority collecting it.

Christie Dudley

@briankrebs What's worse is that this is for a US government website. You would think they would have access to their own domain names or something.

Johannes Ernst

Are there any software #testing frameworks that support testing outcomes other than PASS and FAIL? E.g. “message successfully received but content needed to be lossily reformatted”? Wondering how APIs would look like. #programming

Philip Mallegol-Hansen

@J12t Realize this isn’t exactly what you’re asking, but the way I would achieve that in a “traditional” testing framework would be: One test confirms response != null, that test is passing, second test confirms that data format is as expected, that test fails.

Noah Gibbs

@J12t Minitest, one of the standard Ruby libs, has pass/fail/exception/skip as the possible states, plus some additional info about them.

You can also assert some things about the exception if you want by catching-and-checking it. Or assert other things from outside the test framework -- a Minitest skip, failure or exception is a Ruby exception, for instance, and can be handled as such.

Johannes Ernst

Seeing 14 participants today in the task force on making ActivityPub work for threaded discussions / forums.


Johannes Ernst

Concerned about #AI? Overblown imho. Be concerned about people who might even consider doing something like this!

Johannes Ernst

Great dinner today talking #fediverse with a bunch interesting and smart folks. We are still in the phase where everybody describes a different part of the elephant, but these were interesting descriptions! I learned stuff! And those are the best conversations!!

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