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Stephen Ward

Popular deck-building game is written in LÖVE.

On a whim I opened the exe file as a zip and all the lua code is in there so you can run it with the native binary. Not only that but you can modify it easily. I replaced the spades with sprites from Win95 Solitaire. Looks so cool I gotta do the rest. Hopefully official mod support will come.

Jay :iwate: :verified:

@aukondk OMG. That is the framework I'm learning now. What a weird coincidence.


@aukondk That's it! I'm going to officially learn how to use it. I was already looking into it because uses Lua as the main scripting language, but this convinced me that is actually very usable.
Thank you for showing this off.


@aukondk idk about official but there's a bunch of modding resources on the official Discord server!

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