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5 posts total
Dr. Jorge Caballero

Periodic reminder that a US Senate committee report concluded that the "National Rifle Association acted as a 'foreign asset' for Russia in the period leading up to the 2016 election"

Dr. Jorge Caballero

πŸ‘€ πŸ‘€ πŸ‘€ #FollowFriday came early this week! The latest update includes:

- Newly-redesigned with header images, the person's public bio, their avatar, 1-click following, and more!
- More categories and more profiles
- Dynamic recommendations: the profiles change every 6-12 hours based on who is posting, so you're always getting recommendations for the most active accounts

Check it out and let me know what you think!

πŸ‘€ πŸ‘€ πŸ‘€ #FollowFriday came early this week! The latest update includes:

- Newly-redesigned with header images, the person's public bio, their avatar, 1-click following, and more!
- More categories and more profiles
- Dynamic recommendations: the profiles change every 6-12 hours based on who is posting, so you're always getting recommendations for the most active accounts

Dr. Jorge Caballero

F*ck this piece of πŸ’©

Also: Trans rights are human rights. Healthcare is a human right.

Dr. Jorge Caballero

I don't think people fully understand that the tech layoffs we saw earlier in the year will look like a small blip, now that #SVB has failed

Dr. Jorge Caballero

Retirement accounts are going to be impacted by the #SVB meltdown because a large share of the money flowing into venture capital in recent years came from pension funds, mutual funds, and other retirement investment vehiclesβ€” more so than in prior market cycles because of the macroeconomic conditions leading into the pandemic

Dr. Jorge Caballero

Mastodon isn't anyone's house. It's an open source social media network. Anyone that contributes content shares equal ownership over this place.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Don't buy the b.s. that you're supposed to give away your stake in this place to some idealized notion of norms that either a) never existed or b) only exist in the memories of others.

Don't buy the b.s. that your preferences don't matter. They absolutely do.

Dr. Jorge Caballero

Mastodon isn't a sociocultural Ponzi scheme: you don't owe the top of the pyramid jack squat. The early movers *need* you more than you need them.

Ignore the virtue signalers in your mentions trying to tone police your valid feedback based on their ::checks notes:: two months on this platform.

*You* are the reason there are developers excited to build great apps for Mastodon.

*You* are the reason that creators are trying to make Mastodon work for them, so they can post great content, here.

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