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Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

When games that are live service, or rely heavily on servers get cut off, they should at the very least release the server code so others can continue hosting it.

Stop being afraid of open source and embrace it. Too many games will be lost to greed.

Duelyst is a wonderful recent example of how to do it right.

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@gamingonlinux damn right, if your company deems it no longer wants to patch/support, hand it over, don't burn it to the ground !


@gamingonlinux I can think of many games, especially some games from my childhood, that would benefit extremely from this. Just Survive, if anyone remembers that game, is one.
Sadly I know copyright would get on the way though, which sucks.


@gamingonlinux just take all the source ports of DooM, Quake 1, 2 and 3 and rebase them on the Unreal engine 1.

Jokes aside we owe a lot to John Carmack.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

CNET and no doubt others to follow turning into AI content farming sites.

Just one in the list of reasons why I get bumped lower repeatedly in search engines, on top of content scrapers and others just ripping me off. Itโ€™s a growing problem, the AI side is especially concerning and one day sites like mine simply wonโ€™t exist I fear.

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Jarvis Slacks

@gamingonlinux We need some sort of batch that tells people "Guaranteed not AI" or something like that so we know where to read content.

Beta Ray Youri

@gamingonlinux Not too mention 'letting go' of actual employees for this sort of garbage.


@gamingonlinux I've been thinking about this kinda stuff a lot lately. I feel like everyone and their brother are going to be generating tons of articles/blog posts with ai thinking they're a genius and that they found the next get rich quick scheme. I'm afraid all that's going to happen is the Internet is just going to be absolutely spammed with shitty chatgpt generated stories and it's going to wreck the place. I feel you 100% and I hope this stuff doesn't ruin it for actual creators like you

rick kolesar

@gamingonlinux Same. I love Dead Cells and while I havenโ€™t played all the Castlevanias, I love the ones I have played.

A full Castlevania game done by the Dead Cells studio would be pretty damn good.


@gamingonlinux Dead Cells on Boss Cell >= 3 makes me cry ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

David Martinez

@gamingonlinux Man I dropped dead cells cuz it was too boring at the start. Is it as hype as you say?

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Never have I ever seen a need or a want from actual gamers for NFTs or "blockchain" in games. Retoot if you agree. Like / Favourite if you hate them.

I keep having to bin emails on it from publishers lately. NFTs are terrible. Stop.

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Midnight Spire Games

@gamingonlinux No one pushing NFTs in games cares about games or understands why people play them. This is why their arguments always come back to making money, and their pitches are always grindset trash or pyramid schemes or pay-to-win disasters.

Project Entropia already showed us that "play to earn" produces trash games.

Lunar Chickadee Windflower

@gamingonlinux I played some Blockchain "games" during the big hype of 2021/22.

I had some decent times learning about tech that, at the time, I thought might be cool, but it was not fun to "play" or use.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Join thousands of other and fans on the Discord:

Not partnered, as Discord don't think we're cool enough.


@gamingonlinux I'm on openSUSE Tumbleweed, using kernel 6.16 and the new NVIDIA driver completely broke X11. I was able to fix it by removing the NVIDIA drivers, rebooting, reinstalling them and then rebooting again, in case someone else has the same issue.

Felix Urbasik

@gamingonlinux Does that mean I can finally use custom controller bindings when streaming from my desktop to my steam deck?

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Valve are still copying notes seemingly between Desktop and Steam Deck though, noting things on Steam Deck that aren't there...

Curtis McHale

@gamingonlinux Canโ€™t wait to get mine next week and really start digging into the platform.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

I need to go out and touch grass more, being a creator can be real lonely. Might bring my Steam Deck.

Javier Heredia

@gamingonlinux I was just out there. Granted without a steam deck. Itโ€™s overrated.


@gamingonlinux check out to become a real vertified pog (proof of grass) grass toucher.

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@gamingonlinux I just started the process to delete my Twitter account because of this. I use it to follow interesting people/areas, but I 100% will not use the app or site if this is how its going to be.

Mighty Murder Mittens

@gamingonlinux It astonishes me how few people realize Elon Musk is only doing exactly what he said he'd do if he bought Twitter: he's burning it to the ground. Hr said he'd only buy Twitter to shut it down, but we're also getting a free show out of it.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

My Twitter just hit 60K

Over 32K here now, come on Mastodon, you've got some catching up to do ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ˜œ

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Antero Hytรถnen

@gamingonlinux Helped already by unfollowing on Twitter. I'm not in a hurry yet to delete my Twitter account, but less busy it is, the better.


@gamingonlinux didn't you say you were done with twitter? grats on 60k either way, big number.

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@gamingonlinux That sounds exciting. I keep trying KDE every once in a while but sooner or later I always end up back at Gnome. One of the reasons I did the last time was the issue with multiple monitors, so Iโ€™ll definitely have to give KDE another try!

Dark Photon Studio

@gamingonlinux I haven't tried KDE in over a decade. I should have a look one of these days.


@gamingonlinux steamos updater is interesting, i wonder if this means steamos is getting a public release soon


@gamingonlinux Which sounds awesome but I tried to start it yesterday and couldn't get past the pop-up window ("Hello from the team") in the main menu. Somehow the controls don't work at all now, no matter which control layout I choose. ๐Ÿค”

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

ICYMI: The Division 2 got FIXED for Steam Deck and Linux desktop

Note: don't turn on DX12, but a fix is noted in the video if you did and it broke.

Vostronix :nonbinary_flag:

@gamingonlinux hi how i can do this when i have flatpak im i can find the file the My Games folder is missing :(

Steveo :ani_clubtwit:

@gamingonlinux The Division 2 works great for me on Steam Deck. I donโ€™t have any graphics issues like other players are having, I did not change any settings. I do Ethernet over USB-C for networking and not Wi-Fi. Not sure if that is why it works so well for me ?
Iโ€™ve played 8 hours with 0 crashes, others say in Windows it is unplayable from so many crashes ! Lol !

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