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@gamingonlinux Oh! Finally! Is there anything about static on external monitors? I usually have to wake my deck twice (at least) for both the double-input and the static.

Scott Sweeny :popos: :ubuntu:

@gamingonlinux I would hit this with my Steam Controller about every other time I used it with the Deck. Rebooting the controller (what a phrase!) would normally fix it but it'll be nice to not have to do that anymore.

Ponder Stibbons 🇧🇷🇩🇪

To be fair: I have significantly less problems with sound since switching to pipewire... Over the years oss, alsa, Jack, esd, pulse all had their place but pipewire was actually the inverse of #xkcd927

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@gamingonlinux well if paying money for the game isn't enough, I guess I'll just keep it.



Wouldn't be a problem for me if i would have a Steam Deck.
I bought the game for the story campaign so i don't care about the online features🤷‍♂️


@gamingonlinux I have the official Fallout cookbook, but now I want this.

Jon Martin

@marissaccc -- shame we just missed it, I would have got you this for your birthday!

Mike Plemmons

@gamingonlinux Our copy came in the mail today. It is a great looking book and we look forward to cooking from it.

Sylvain Bougerel 🌍🔥

@gamingonlinux Give a try to No Rest For The Wicked on Steam, if you have not. It's in EA, but it's great. Runs great on my linux box.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Epic €1.1m fined for breaking EU consumer law in Netherlands

"The investigation also found that countdown timers were used on some advertisements for items that were still available in the shop even after the countdown ended."

Naughty naughty.


Cc @th3rdsergeevich в тему регулярок!;)


@gamingonlinux did they fix *the* problems? I mean, when the AUR & the official package manager do talk but one of the east & one of the west, in summary, problems like the AUR shipping testing packages without talking to the devs, that kind of problems


@gamingonlinux Manjaro, I've heard of that - my cousin lost like 30lbs on it.


@gamingonlinux sort of amusing that All of the comments are by people apparently NOT using manjaro 🙃

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Game devs make the weirdest shit ever sometimes. Here's a "Sci-Fi Cooking game where you take up the role of a Poultry Peddler stuck in Antarctica and longing for a way out. Cook your illegal eggs for those who look hungry."

Okay then lol

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Cogito ergo mecagoendios

@gamingonlinux Is this one of those "buy my technically legal game on Steam and then download a mod from my website to replace placeholder assets with something else" kind of situations?

Stephen Greenham

@gamingonlinux Arctic eggs, but set in Antarctica... Totally immersion breaking.


@gamingonlinux kinda like the old days of the speccy with mad shit like molar maul and hovver bovver!

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