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2 posts total
Shriram Krishnamurthi

1/ Over the weekend there was a block party a short distance from my place for a lady who turned 90. That's notable enough, but in her case it's special because she's a Holocaust survivor. I chatted with her today and looked up some things. Remarkable story! Buckle in: ↵

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Schwaig Bub

@shriramk Great story - thank you for sharing!

David Pollak

@shriramk thank you for sharing!

My father and his parents escaped the Nazis from Vienna in 1938. He would have been 89 this year.

Shriram Krishnamurthi

A little-known fact about Mastodon is that when you move your account, it gets put on a truck and then shipped to the new server. Here, for instance, are users employing I-195 to move between servers.

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