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hannah aubry

Last week, reached 10 million users (and is already a quarter of the way to another million)!

So I asked my friends here what they thought we needed to do or add to the to keep scaling — to share this place with more people, to ensure that growth happens with intention, and to keep people safe.

Here's what we came up with:

hannah aubry

I’m excited to participate in @fediforum this coming week, along with so many people doing great work for the .

If you want to check out the sessions & topics we’ll be covering over the two half-days (mornings EDT), you can see them here:

And I’m really excited to lead a session covering how and are supporting, and can further support, and beyond.

I’d love to see you there! Register here:

I’m excited to participate in @fediforum this coming week, along with so many people doing great work for the .

If you want to check out the sessions & topics we’ll be covering over the two half-days (mornings EDT), you can see them here:

hannah aubry

Whoa — passed 10 million users yesterday. According to @mastodonusercount, the number of hours people spend on here is increasing too. That's incredible.

It's a moment to celebrate and to get excited about the work we still have ahead scaling and securing the .

I'm starting work on a blog about what it will take to get us to the next 10 million, and I'm curious about what my friends on here think about it. What do we need, in terms of tech or otherwise, to keep growing?

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Jeffrey T. Davis

@haubles Not necessarily the most important, but most clear cut to me: better verification.

The existing "trustless" verification scheme has numerous problems we don't need to rehash here. Verification should be understood as a service to readers, with things like civic alerts a good test case. And that inevitably comes down to a proactive and resourced trusted third party saying "yes, it's they". I don't think there's any way around that.

Don't you agree

@haubles Not necessarily the most important, but most clear cut to me: better verification.

The existing "trustless" verification scheme has numerous problems we don't need to rehash here. Verification should be understood as a service to readers, with things like civic alerts a good test case. And that inevitably comes down to a proactive and resourced trusted third party saying "yes, it's they". I don't think there's any way around that.

xyfly :verified_gold:

@haubles @mastodonusercount welcome to visit, we are building a community caring about what's going on in China😊

Ben H-R

@haubles @mastodonusercount counterpoint: why do you assume growth is good and desirable in itself?

hannah aubry

I’m lucky in my work to see firsthand the impact of what we do on systems and the people that run them.

We’re supporting @Mastodon through because @Gargron, @renchap, and the entire team are doing important work and we want to help them scale it with integrity.

Well and it’s pretty neat to have a front-row seat (walk-on part?) to the revolution 😎

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