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14 posts total

I love it when they sleep butt to butt.
“I need my own space but don’t go far 🥺”
#CatsOfMastodon #MollyAndMilo


Proof that Milo’s just a ginger in disguise.
#CatsOfMastodon #Caturday


Manspreading, cat version?

Milo using Molly as a footrest just now.


Please enjoy footage of Milo launching himself up the stairs this morning because we hadn’t got up to feed him yet.


Happy #Caturday from Molly who makes the most adorable funny little scrunchy face when she’s happy and she’s happy with her new IKEA box.


Milo is much more interested in the TV since we upgraded.

I put birdies on but he has a tendency to try and launch himself at them.

But I just caught him happily watching Maru 😻


I’ve missed having my coffee on the deck and I’ve definitely missed the sunshine. It’s so warm I could almost take my fleece off. Almost.
Molly appreciates the company too. #CatsOfMastodon


Often I’ll convince myself that this cat only sits on my lap because he’s cold and I’m warm.

Then I’ll finish a lesson and turn around to see him curled up on a chair he would never normally sleep on, just because it’s close to me. 🥺


Molly says I can have my chair back when I finish tidying because sunbeam.
#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon


Happy #Caturday.
Please enjoy… whatever this is I caught on the CatCam yesterday.


I lay on the bed to stretch my back after hanging the laundry and now I’m not allowed to move. #CatsOfMastodon


Molly is also very glad her servants are home.
She also approves of nap time.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon


Happy #Caturday!
Please enjoy Molly doing her impression of a fainting goat.

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