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2 posts total
Tom Coxon

There's a lot of interest in #GodotEngine today, so here's my perspective & advice, as the tech lead on Cassette Beasts, a 2.5D open world RPG that shipped this year on Steam, Switch and Xbox, using Godot 3.5. 🧵

First: I've not used Unity (or Unreal) for more than just trivial experiments, so I can't provide direct comparisons. But there are still a few general points I can make.

Also: I will never recommend switching engine mid-project. If you're gonna switch, do it between projects.

Tom Coxon

There's a persistent falsehood among Unity devs that Godot can't do consoles. There are more options available than you realise: several companies have private Godot forks that add console support, and you can either license it off them, or have them port your game.

In our case, we worked with Pineapple Works. They worked incredibly hard to port Cassette Beasts to Switch and Xbox, and did a great job. AFAIK, CB is the first (only?) Godot game to release on an Xbox!

Tom Coxon

I love that you can run the #GodotEngine editor on #SteamDeck (although it's a bit impractical without connecting a external monitor).

Great way to debug hardware-specific stuff!

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