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2 posts total
Dunbar's Number

@stux Stux, I just want to say thank you for all you do. No matter where I go in the fediverse, there's always traces of the time and effort you put in to make the place amazing and maintain its level of awesomeness.


@sabret00the That means a lot! ❤️ :catblush: You are most welcome my friend! :cat_hug_triangle:

Dunbar's Number

I keep seeing these posts about how mastodon is hostile to black people and every time I start looking trying to figure out if I'm not black enough or if I'm just oblivious? I inevitably stumble across the thread that kicked off the current dialogue and I'm like, oh okay. But I wish some of the other stuff would also get the same traction and attention. Black people are talented and funny AF on social media, even on . I would like to find it easier.


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Mandy May

There's a negativity hangover from people who've been posting for corporate owned social media...all negativity was boosted and all kindness suppressed for so long...
@blackmastodon @mongoose


@sabret00the @blackmastodon Some of it comes from the fact that we're far enough into Mastodon's life cycle and Twitter's decline that we can afford some post mortems.

I haven't experienced obvious antiblack hostility here on Mastodon but i remember reading about some high profile incidents last year,

I think we have the same complaint about visibility though. I struggle to find posts I'm interested in, or anything funny, here on Mastodon, let alone Black talent or humor in a consistent basis

PVs- Artist Marcia X

@sabret00the it’s better than what it used to be

Which is sad

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