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38 posts total
Julia Evans

some people who make programming easier

(who am I missing?)

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@b0rk Janitor. I always enjoyed having someone who likes to do boring repository / code maintenance to relax. Makes everything neater, and makes it easier for us ADHD devs who would burn out on it.

Brett Edmond Carlock

@b0rk I'm a blend of Loud Noob, Documentarian, and Read The Entire Internet.

Don't let me near code, tho 🤣

DeManiak 🇿🇦 🐧

@b0rk how about the Test Writer?

The one that writer clear tests that illustrate how things are supposed to work (as opposed to how they are working)

Julia Evans

has anyone seen a really good analysis of the problems with git's command line UI? Would love to read it. for example:

* `git checkout` is dangerous and has too many different jobs
* for a tool that's supposed to make changes easy to undo, you actually need to learn a LOT of different ways go back to the previous state

(not looking for git tutorials, explanations of git’s underlying model, or explanations of why you think git's UI is actually good, just an analysis of the problems)

has anyone seen a really good analysis of the problems with git's command line UI? Would love to read it. for example:

* `git checkout` is dangerous and has too many different jobs
* for a tool that's supposed to make changes easy to undo, you actually need to learn a LOT of different ways go back to the previous state

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@b0rk tbh I think a significant amount of it is their incredibly unique-term-infested manpages. Learning git via normal means is a ridiculously large investment before you get any benefit.



@b0rk I dont find it too bad, but I do find it inconsistent; e.g. git tag and git branch both have -d for delete, but for git remote you have to do 'git remote remove' Similarly git branch -m to rename vs git remote rename. git push onto non-default branches also confuses the hell out of me.

Julia Evans

what helps people get comfortable on the command line?

Would love more stories of things that helped you in the last ~5 years!

(as usual, no need to reply if you don’t remember, or if you’ve been using the command line comfortably for 15 years — this question isn’t for you :) )

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Philipp Bayer

@b0rk i had a unit on unix system administration where each week we got a slightly broken VM, one per student, we had to fix. every week was slightly harder culminating with a totally broken PAM so you couldn't easily log in

we couldn't break anything, it was already broken! and if we broke it too much prof would just re-image the VM. so no fear!

CCC Freiburg

@b0rk most starters like things like #tmux - #bash-insulter (its fun) and #cmatrix and the obvious
and for people which go the extra mile, either #adb with #scrcpy for android fun or the limitless options of #yt-dlp
(spice up your music collection with some yt-dlp -x <LINK>
or choose smaller / bigger quality with yt-dlp -F <LINK> ... so much more fun tha any limited and fastly outdatet gui/addon)

Julia Evans

finally got around to putting my twitter archive on the internet at

only has tweets up to october 2022 because that's when I exported an archive

here's the source:

it’s a mash up of @darius's tool to get the data and for the CSS

Darius Kazemi

@b0rk is there a way to permalink an archived tweet?

Julia Evans

also, if you *used* to use Linux on your personal computer but don't anymore, what made you switch away from it?

for me: I'm on a break from Linux right now because I was having some extremely annoying power management issues I couldn't figure out (it kept running out of battery while asleep), and there was some Mac/Windows-only software I wanted to use

Julia Evans

I cannot be the only person who finds linux on the desktop annoying and hard to use sometimes, I love linux but it can really be the worst

Julia Evans

i'm working on open sourcing a small project I wrote a couple of years ago and the README is mostly just an extended apology for the development experience

Julia Evans

playing with some merch ideas and had an idea for a "linux witch" tote bag

Julia Evans

used magic wormhole for the first time to transfer files between 2 computers in my house and it's great

computer 1:
$ wormhole send myfile.pdf
Wormhole code is: 7-crossover-clockwork

computer 2:

$ wormhole receive 7-crossover-clockwork
Receiving file (7924 bytes) into: myfile.pdf

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@b0rk (mailbox server is a single point of failure; unfortunately all of the similar systems have this problem; you basically use an external server as a meeting point)

Christoph Petrausch

@b0rk yeah very handy tool. We enroll it to everyone during our onboarding in our company.

Julia Evans

"How Integers and Floats Work" is coming out later this week! Here's the about page:

Julia Evans

at the cafe doing some zine editing

(not the final cover obviously :))

Joe Uchill

@b0rk It doesn't have to not be the cover.

Julia Evans

We built a new playground called Memory Spy where you can spy on a program's memory! It's at

I made this with @omarieclaire, and there's a blog post about how and why we built it here Here's a gif:

Julia Evans

as usual let me know if you run into any bugs!

Julia Evans

this whole website is an extremely thin wrapper around lldb, you can think of it as an advertisement for how cool gdb/lldb are :)

Julia Evans

getting closer to finalizing the table of contents for this zine on how integers and floating point numbers work

Julia Evans

this is awesome: See this page fetch itself, byte by byte, over TLS

Julia Evans

I've been (very very slowly) working on a guide to writing your own TLS implementation from scratch and this is motivating me to make some progress on it

Julia Evans is really indispensable for explaining floating point -- it's SO fun to open it up and change the bits to show people how floating point works

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@b0rk Nice.
There is also this but it’s not got so many 🛎️ 🔔 and whistles

erin 。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。

@b0rk bartoz ciechanowski has such a talent for building extremely useful little interactive pedagogical things like this . its AWESOME

Julia Evans

the print version of "The Pocket Guide to Debugging" has arrived!!

1500 copies arrived at the warehouse yesterday and are ready to ship 🚢

get yours today!

(preorders have already started shipping! :))

Julia Evans

here's the table of contents for "The Pocket Guide to Debugging" again, since a few people have asked what it's about.

it's a list of dozens of specific debugging strategies that you can use in any programming language to investigate your hardest bugs :)

Julia Evans

re my last boost -- I was thinking about how all of the comics I posted on Twitter aren't on Mastodon anywhere, so I made a little reruns bot (@b0rk_reruns) that tweets old comics of mine every couple of days.

Right now it's tweeting things from 2018

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Nemo_bis 🌈

@b0rk Excellent! Any chance to add some hashtags? Otherwise it's difficult to look up specific comics to boost. :)

John Gordon

@b0rk @b0rk_reruns

A neat solution to the problem of chronological content...

Julia Evans

made another tiny mastodon helper site for myself today

This one is, which I made because I start a lot of threads which get tons of replies and I get overwhelmed.

So I made a minimal Reddit-like interface where I can read everyone's replies to me more easily in context.

It's a static site where all the data stays in your browser.

Here's a blurred out screenshot (because it felt weird to share people's posts in a screenshot)

Julia Evans

every time I make a website I feel amazed by how people make nice websites with smooth UX -- you need all these little details! Like loading spinners! I'm always too lazy to figure out why the site doesn't feel right and then I just put it on the internet anyway

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