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27 posts total
Konstantin =\

Configuring Zsh and touching grass at the same time with @iamusualguy =\

Konstantin =\

Just booted Arch Linux ARM on RPi3+, and network interface is named `enu1u1u1`. Apparently `enp5s0` or something was too obvious and easy to understand =/



enu1u1u1 comes from the network adapter on the RPi3+ being a USB-ethernet-chip connected through an USB-hub to the host USB controller (each u1 denotes the USB-Device number on that level).

You should be able to look at the `lsusb` output and confirm that.

Also, you can select a different name with some udev rules.

Konstantin =\

Got my first abuse letter.

Don't scrape BitTorrent DHT on Hetzner, I guess =\

nonsense :twittercheck:

@thevar1able А что это за такой милый миникомпик почти кубический? :)

Konstantin =\

Was bored, loaded systemd journal to ClickHouse :\

Konstantin =\

Finally got my hands on MNT Reform and MNT Reform Pocket, thanks @mntmn! #FOSDEM

Andy McCall :mastodon:

@thevar1able waht's the palmtop on the right hand side of the photo? It looks pretty neat.

I've been looking for something to replace my aging GDP Pocket, but I want a decent keyboard on the next machine I buy.

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