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One of the original outlier buildings in the Dreamtime Village #tazverse was a 5 story treehouse built around a huge old oak tree only using collars for all the anchoring (so there were zero bolts or nails going into the tree).. the building was built to flex as the tree moved into the wind so all the framing was very lightweight. After the property was bought by a very religious neighbor the treehouse (and the tree) were set on fire to dispose of it.

#dreamtimevillage #taz #livewildordie

ᵒᵏ wakest

@memexikon do you know if there is any documentation anywhere of the "blueprints" or how the internal structure was designed? I didn't know it was done without direct anchors!

also any idea the name of the person who built it?


moonlute made with scrap from Japanese ebay and the bass gourdtar was made for my birthday by Lyx a millennium ago

#music #noise #improv


A kilo of wild rice harvested by Nicholas and Kindred in northern WIsconsin. Native grains are a true blessing in Wisconsin.


The gourd creatures making a ruckus at the Avant Garde Museum of Temporary Art circa 1989 @liaizon


A collector has me looking thru the archives for a first edition copy of a Xerox Sutra book. I still haven't found the book he is wanting but I did discover an unbound copy of this gem. Released by XEROX SUTRA EDITIONS in an edition of 50 copies in 1981. (18.7 mb)

#xeroxsutraeditions #xexoxialeditions #xerography #copyart #collage #experimentalwriting

paloma kop ⁂

@memexikon enjoyed reading that, and i also spotted the dead insect in the scan haha

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