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5 posts total
L.J. is the cis Minipang some women just want to watch the world burn.

L.J. is the cis Minipang

"But you lose so many people and good posts by blocking people/instances!"

You know who else make good posts?

The marginalized people these people and instances make a concerted effort to drive off, and the people who ignore and enable this toxic behavior.

L.J. is the cis Minipang

Like I do not care how funny or talented you are, or how much good analysis you link

if you cannot coexist with marginalized people, or are okay being friends with bigots

you are out. Idc.

L.J. is the cis Minipang

Freelance brain: Maybe we shouldn't have turned down those two gigs after all, I mean think of what we could have done with that money-
Me: Yeah, maybe covered the hospital bills from working DAY AND NIGHT without a break for weeks on end??
Freelance brain: ...
Me: That finally shut you up, huh 😏

L.J. is the cis Minipang

Re: last boost what kind of bourgeoisie fuckery...

L.J. is the cis Minipang

Okay so the "no begging" rule is obviously awful on its face but what gets to me is how ineffectual it is even for its own horrible aims. Like, if considers asking for monetary help to be an eyesore, not allowing original posts on the instance is just grossly inadequate to enforce such a rule. Is boosting begposts also prohibited? Are they going to defederate with instances that don't have the same heartless rule?

And this is before even going into the mindblowing incompetence of adding that it's okay to give people the option to donate, like I am still enough of a lawyer to be actively mad at the confusion and contradiction this causes.

Okay so the "no begging" rule is obviously awful on its face but what gets to me is how ineffectual it is even for its own horrible aims. Like, if considers asking for monetary help to be an eyesore, not allowing original posts on the instance is just grossly inadequate to enforce such a rule. Is boosting begposts also prohibited? Are they going to defederate with instances that don't have the same heartless rule?

L.J. is the cis Minipang


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