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11 posts total
Joshua Ashton ๐Ÿธ
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Joshua Ashton ๐Ÿธ
Elden Ring HDR on Linux!

Had to implement the legacy (and terrible) NVAPI HDR interfaces and pretend my AMD GPU was NVIDIA.

Check it out! :D
Joshua Ashton ๐Ÿธ
Ubuntu and Canonical are so embarassing.

Can't even install the damn thing to repro and write support steps because it hangs on "Preparing Ubuntu" on the installer.

Googled around, you have to open the APP STORE on the LIVE CD to UPDATE THE INSTALLER before installing for it to work **at all**.

What the hell is going on over there?!
Ubuntu and Canonical are so embarassing.

Can't even install the damn thing to repro and write support steps because it hangs on "Preparing Ubuntu" on the installer.
Joshua Ashton ๐Ÿธ
Nightdive fragmenting existing communities yet again with a mid closed-source sourceport that runs like absolute shit.

Before you ask... no, their butchered game dll code doesn't count.
Joshua Ashton ๐Ÿธ
I get way more interaction on Fedi than I do on Twatter esp. from non-followers which is really neat and unexpected.
Joshua Ashton ๐Ÿธ
v4l2 decode is absolutely horrible to work with.

Every part of it is so badly designed.

CAPTURE being the destination and OUTPUT being the source makes no sense.

The fact that that a buffer in a queue is completely immutable until the buffer is ready to dequeue is insane.

There is just no real way to get feedback about how you fucked up. It's not like there's validation layers or any decent logging aside from kernel dynamic debugging logs. x_x

It's just a terribly designed mess of crap. As usual, drivers doing anything remotely complex should mainly be in userspace. This is another prime example.

v4l2 should have been left to die all those years ago.
v4l2 decode is absolutely horrible to work with.

Every part of it is so badly designed.

CAPTURE being the destination and OUTPUT being the source makes no sense.
Joshua Ashton ๐Ÿธ
PostmarketOS being based on Alpine (musl, no systemd) makes doing or using anything useful so much harder.

For something targeting average tinkerers its a horrible decision, and a huge huge pain for no benefit.

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