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3 posts total
mnl mnl mnl mnl mnl

Looks like I bought two tickets to #strangeloop.

Happy to sell it, if you can’t afford the normal price, contact me and we can work something out!

Feel free to boost for reach.

mnl mnl mnl mnl mnl

The snark at #php in US-developer circles never ceases to amaze me.

It’s like people somehow remember their php3 experiments when they were 12 or something and feel the need to show that they are somehow above that.

Nah dude not only is php a decent programming language, but it’s also a language that allows you to have a working site whatever your experience level, which is why 12 year olds have loved it throughout the ages, and that’s fucking amazing in its own right.

mnl mnl mnl mnl mnl

One thing consistently blows my mind:

I carry little devices (phone, tablet, laptop) that give me access to a significant portion of the world's knowledge, give me the tools to express myself in all the forms I enjoy (code, music, drawing, writing) and allow me to correspond with interesting people all around the globe.

That's it. Absolutely wild.

Kristoffer Johansson

@mnl I often think about this as well. It's pretty amazing the technology we have access to nowadays.

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