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Carlos Rodrigues 🪣

I find these two BYTE covers from the late 1970's interesting for opposite reasons.

We're not yet in the 23rd century, but we already look at 60 year-old BASIC as ancient technology. Not just as having fallen out of the mainstream, but truly ancient.

And 64 year-old LISP, unlike BASIC, never even went mainstream. It's the language of future past, as futuristic now as the blinking lights on the OG Enterprise's bridge.

And all-caps names? Also ancient.

#retrocomputing #computing #history #art

BYTE magazine cover from December 1977.

"Spaceport Gamma 6 Holographic Museum of Ancient Technology"

Drawing of the Star Trek (TOS) crew looking at a man scratching his head while holding a BASIC book. The man is sitting in front of a line-printer with a monitor and other mainframe peripherals nearby.
BYTE magazine cover from August 1979.

Drawing of two astronauts on what appears to be the Moon, looking at a vertical black slab (like the Monolith from "2001: A Space Odyssey") with LISP writings.

The astronauts aren't scratching their heads, because doing that through a space helmet would be impossible.
Carlos Rodrigues 🪣

The “Open Circuits” book by @tubetime and @oskay is a piece of art.

Just look at these photos of the popular 2N2222 bipolar junction transistor. Fascinating, especially when compared to the real thing.

Front cover of the “Open Circuits” book
2N2222 transistor next to the pages of “Open Circuits” showing its insides
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