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9 posts total

When you realize you accidentally bought your kitten on the installment plan . . .

#CatsOfMastodon #FensterFreitag


We're in a dull portion of the draft, at least for the Eagles, so it's time to post something for #Caturday! Here are three photos showing our three cats in fairly representative poses...



On the other hand, here's a #Fursday shot of all of our current cats self-sorting. (Would be great if they could help with the laundry! heh)

#CatsOfMastodon #CatTree


#Fursday photo is kitten 1 peering through our maze of modern stair rails...

#CatsOfMastodon #kittens


You know you want more kitten photos! 😆 Here are a couple more from the last day or two...

#CatsOfMastodon #kittens


Ok, my #Caturday dreams have come true -- two new 5-month-old kittens have joined the household! Thanks to the nice woman who fostered these two (even bottle-feeding one of them!) -- they are affectionate and fearless! We'll find out whether that holds up to meeting our dog, but I have high hopes!

#CatsOfMastodon #kittens


I look forward to having new photos for #Caturday sometime soon. Local animal adoption organization(s) making us wait weeks while they review our application before we can even visit any of the many cats they have in foster care! crazed.

Here's our current boy when he was a kitten, some 11 years ago.

#CatsOfMastodon #Kitten


Chilly day means slipper socks for me, but Milo has rediscovered the joy of the heated cat bed. He's not enjoying being the only cat in the house, especially the loss of snuggling.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

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