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20 posts total

Sometimes things like this just blow my mind. Dev lead on Trackmania tweeted about my article and video for @gamingonlinux 💀


Sometimes I get the "you should rename to GamingOnSteamDeck" snide remarks for @gamingonlinux

So I recently added tag tracking to the stats page ( and...

"Native Linux" is still covered just as much, just now I cover *more* of other things too 🤷


The Callisto Protocol got a Steam Deck update...sets everything Low, limits to 30FPS and hides the Benchmark.

I hope they did more than that...


I asked on a GitHub project for a FOSS game reimplementation to add basic build instructions and just seem to get a weird attitude in reply...

I don't get it. Why is asking for the actual instructions a bad thing?


Was gonna write about the Red Hat HDR hackfast, then saw that Sebastian Wick is involved. Guy is absolutely prick, harassed me constantly on Reddit and my own communities years ago before being banned from everything.


Social Blade is predicting I with @gamingonlinux will hit 100K subs on YouTube in February next year.


Picked up this stand when the Steam Deck first came out, couldn't bring myself to part with it.

So...made use of it 😂


I tried commenting on /r/Games reddit and I am now full of regret.


When you leave in a double-take in a new live video where your voice vanishes and you don't realise the first take is still in there 💀

I am a professional, clearly 🤡


Honestly i think this might be the greatest thumbnail for youtube I've ever done.


Testing a big change to my full-screen game captures of the Steam Deck for @gamingonlinux been wanting to try this for a while...


@gamingonlinux Quite a few people don''t understand a few things:

- Steam Deck is 800p or 720p for basically all games.
- If you view a full-screen capture on your PC monitor, it's obviously not going to look all that good.

So, I'm putting the captures at 720p inside a Steam Deck high-res frame.

Test video:


Work in games they said, it would be fun they said. What they didn’t warn me was that every day someone would call me super mean names like “low end content creator” and “clown” 🤣😭

HP van Braam :verified:

@Sirsquid try working on a game ENGINE if you want to be called incompetent for additional reasons!


Last night i started making a game, i quit 25 minutes later. Don’t let anyone tell you #gamedev is easy. 🤣

One in a long list of reasons why I want to do it: I write about and video games all the time but I want my own personal look behind the curtain.


I have the real idea for it down now at least, progress.


It’s coming up on Midnight and now all I want to do is play more Detroit Become Human. I love these styles of games, it’s like being part of a movie.


YouTube comments are fun.


@Sirsquid That's the weirdest boomer take I've seen in a while. Olive's, not yours, to be clear.

Today in I'm a complete moron:

I moved a video clip out of the way in the kdenlive timeline, forgot about it, then the video rendering took ages. Wondered why it was so long when finished...obviously because I left the clip in I didn't need waaaaaaay along the timeline.



Some wisdom I have to keep reminding myself about work I do for @gamingonlinux is that for some people it's their main source of info, a lot of people simply don't read Reddit, Twitter, Mastodon and so on. Even if someone else covered something, there's no reason for me not to.


One of the smartest ideas I've ever had is forcing all new users on @gamingonlinux to be in a moderation queue for posts, not just the first post either, takes a little while for people to be moved out of it.

This has almost entirely stopped spammers, and people coming to cause problems.


Losing out on probably looots of extra subs and revenue on YouTube not covering every new thing JSAUX puts out but I just don’t trust them. They have no accountability when they screw up.


As soon as I pressed them properly to investigate stuff, they blanked me. And only spoke to me again when I mentioned the partnership they retweeted was with a scam store that they still haven’t even said a “woops sorry” in public for.

JSAUX don’t care about their customers. They just want to keep pushing out as much random Steam Deck stuff as they can.


People on #KDE with #NVIDIA:

I use GIMP a lot for image editing and one thing really annoys me - a lot of the time I export an image, the KDE panel is unresponsive for a good few seconds after.

Does anyone else see this issue, is it a known bug?


Example video:

Notice before editing it's instant, after it's unresponsive suddenly for a bit.

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