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116 posts total
Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

From 2060 super to 6700 XT, not big upgrade but huge liberation, fuck nvidia proprietary drivers! Btw I will kinda miss CUDA, DLSS and all this marketing but still useful stuff

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Maybe I should try QT on M1, does it work fine?

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

After I received my MacBook from my company I have an interest in native apps but god xcode and swift development are so hard for me. I was not even capable of running the hello world in flutter on M1, It says the build process exits with not 0 code and I have no idea what was gone wrong

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

The whole xcode experience feels like Microsoft Excel, I feel the power but can't understand anything

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Never ask where British museums get their trophies

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Art style of Signalis game is magnificent

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Yesterday I was walking at new neighbourhood and was stunned by this building. In my headphones was playing lord of ring ost, being surrounded by this building is like founding yourself near big mountains. This ughm gate thing is feels like minas tirith gates, truly colossus thing. I can't stop myself but stared at his for ten minutes at least. This building is horrified me af but it's somehow beautiful too.

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

I have so many cat and dog memes so Google trying to sort them in my photos. Also Hideo lol, idk why I have so much photos of him

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

two source of truth, more reliable information! What's why we need two game launchers for one game

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Async programming is fun and what I like most - the fact is loging in many cases are much better then debugging then you want to catch up some state of your program

Matt Cloy

@brennschluss totally, vscode sometimes just ignores step-over, and the callstacks are a nightmare.

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Everything except a performance mode in graphical settings for modern console games is nothing more then wasting energy. That's it. Sent toot

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

I feel attacked because I feel myself literally on every pane in this chart

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